make it sink

make it sink

t.z. | Friday, 2 March 2018

Don't you hate it when your fly sinks? I prefer dry fly fishing above other methods. Seeing the take - or the refusal is very exciting. (BTW - this is why "normal" people believe we're all nuts) Nymph fishing on the other hand is mostly "blind". I personally seem to lack the patience for blind fishing methods, so logically dry fly fishing is the easiest and most fun form of fishing closely followed by sight-fishing with a nymph.

However, often sight-fishing or dry fly is not applicable, which leaves two choices. Make coffee or fish something which sinks, a nymph for example.

There are two approaches to tying nymphs. Either neat, semi realistic things with legs, eyes and whatnot or very basic, scruffy flies. Both types catch pretty well. The one shown here is maybe the easiest of them all. However, it takes guts to have such in your fly box and show them to other fishermen. One comment I often hear is that this fly looks like being tied by a kid, which I actually take as compliment. Being in contact with my inner child is a higher aim very high on my list.

All you need for the fly is a standard dry fly or wet fly hook hook, a tungsten bead, thread, copper wire and hares mask. The hook used in the video is a standard down eye dry fly hook (Partridge of Redditch SLD2 - barbless). Feel free to use any other similar hook, I'd just urge you to use barbless hooks. Barbless hooks are much easier to "un-pierce" should they have pierced the wader, you ear, nose or worse. Realising fish is also much easier. I fish barbless since many years and yet have to loose a fish because of this. I even believe a barbless hook penetrates the fishes mouth much better as the barb is not in the way. But it's a belief, like the belief that this little barb keeps the fish on the hook. So switch your beliefs and fish barbless should you not already do it. Competition fishermen do, and they should know.

The bead is made of tungsten, which has very high specific weight, so the beads can be smaller than beads made of copper or other metal or glass. The one I used here is the hippest and latest way to fashion a nymph hook with. It's shaped like the real thing's head. Yeah, why not? It looks cool for the fisherman at least and takes off a litte from the "must hide this" pressure on the poor anglers shoulders.

The video below is in very hi-speed to keep it under the one minute instagram limit for video. I find these hi-speed vids interesteing for various reasons. It's amazing how much information can be communicated in such a short period and it allows for watching the process several times in a very short amount of time. Subconcious learning is something I like very much. I personally have a hard time following long explanations, but learn very quick by just watching a process in real time. The videos in the iBook are very close to real time, and are around 3 minutes in average. On top they feature undertext. 

The shown pattern is part in the free sample of the book, but be aware of the "extra speed" due to the instgram time limit. As said, the vids in the book are on real time, not on "coke".


(c) t.z. - 2018


Written by 
Thomas Züllich, or - “t.z.” as most call him - is a German flyfisher & flytier living in Norway. His flydressing is based on old traditions as well as very modern and innovative methods of creating flies. 

Thomas is the author of "Fly Tying - Modern Classics for Trout and Grayling which is availbale on iTunes -