(Lack of) Wind Knots

(Lack of) Wind Knots

Tracy&James | Thursday, 31 May 2018

Normal service has been resumed in the fishin’ lab, as such I’ve got round to adding another knot to my dataset of pull test results. A friend of Paul’s requested this test and supplied an excellent diagram showing how to tie it – a turle knot or a variation on a turle knot depending on which website you believe.

This is a very easy knot to tie but its simplicity belies its strength, recording a very impressive average figure of 85% with a nice, low standard deviation. An interesting observation I made during my initial tests on this knot was that my un-lubricated tyings performed better than ones I’d wetted with saliva. The data presented is therefore for dry knots.

Last Sunday saw the second BFCC competition event of the year in Mike H’s back garden, otherwise known as Willesborough cricket club.  I don’t know what it is about BFCC days but they always seem to coincide with very light, inconsistent winds.  On the Saturday before the event I was practising in the sort of wind that I need in order to approach my PBs, hoping that it would blow for just another day.  This thought was dashed on the morning drive across to Kent where it was clear the tree tops were as still as they could be.

That said, there was the odd puff of breeze on the day and some good distances were recorded.  I managed a couple of firsts in the #5 and ST27 events plus the overall meeting win.  Tracy managed to beat her #5, S55g and T120 records which bodes well for future meeting where hopefully she’ll have more favourable conditions to enable her to beat the records by some margin rather than adding a few inches at a time.

The meeting also saw Mike Marshall still on good form, helping out Mark, Sekhar, Mike and Roger (what’s the collective name for so many MCIs?) with the instruction, and still casting the tournament competition outfits great – demonstrated by extending his S80 record for the T38.

The next BFCC event is in Oswestry on the 16th of June, this is always a popular one and is close to some great fishing on the river Dee which hopefully we’ll be making the most of.

Have a great weekend, James.

Knot update
Fly knot
just one more cast
loop cast
Mike lying down on the job