Paul Arden | Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Ashly and I are in the UK, based in Essex for the next two and a half weeks, grounded here passport-wise while we sort out our Russian VISAs for the Trout Kola trip to the Upper Varzina river. There are still one or two slots available, and just enough time to organise VISAs, so if you are interested in joining us, on a river that I believe is quite possibly the finest trout fishing in the world, where the browns are both wild and indigenous, with spectacular colourations, averaging 5.5lbs, then please do get in touch. Not only will you experience some of the world's finest trout fishing, but you'll also have the opportunity to improve your casting and fishing skills around camp over a glass of vodka, should you want. This trip is 2-9th August.
Between now and then things are prettty exciting, 23/24th July I'm teaching with Bernd in North Germany. Please get in touch about that! Then we drive to Hungary via Sardinia - I know, not the normal route. Then it's Varzina of course, closely followed by the World Championships in Estonia. It really is all go at the moment and I need a GPS just to find myself.
The Sexyloops rods (and flylines) were a huge hit in Jersey. If you would like to test cast a HT rod here in Essex then drop me an email. It would be great to meet up and there's lots of room here for casting. Big practise week this one!
Right, better make this live. Slghtly late!
Cheers, Paul
Cheers, Paul