Flytying on the inter-web

Flytying on the inter-web

Viking Lars | Saturday, 6 January 2018

Last evening, and a few days after a bit of a friendly dispute over some details in a fly pattern, I went to my little "fly tying library" to look up the specifics. Often the discussions are difficult unless you have access to the very first time a specific patterns was published. Even when it comes to classic salmon flies, there are differences in patterns of several flies. And when the differences are contemporary and from equally authoritative sources, one has to settle that there are x-number of ways of tying this particular fly.

And while one can debate (you know, I often debate with myself - then I can both be in disagreement and agreement at the same time, which is often handy, and at other times, quite disturbing) subtle nuances in a pattern, one no longer needs a library to find a specific pattern or even tying instructions.

You'll probably have to settle that on any particular fly, you can find a number of diffferent ways to tie it, but the internet knows almost everything. And on YouTube one can source staggering amounts of fly tying videos, some of which are made by particularly skilled fly tiers, some also very knowledgeable.

So - here are the YouTube channels on flytying I follow.

I have to mention Davie McPhail, even though most of you already know him. He's a incredibly skilled fly tier, tying a a huge variety of styles and patterns, and he's quite active and uploads lots of videos. Whether you're into loch flies, dries, salmon flies or whatever, he's got vidoes. He doesn't tie many saltwater flies, and I think he's yet to venture into pike flies. But his channel is well worth following, and the videos are clear and the instruction concise. You could - and should - consider contributing a small donation if you appreciate the channel and follow it.

Gunner Brammer is not as well known, and he's not as allround - in fact, he's not allround at all, he specialises in predator flies. Big flies for big trout, muskies, pike, bass etc. He has a particular style, and he's also a pro tier who's not afraid to pass on tips and tricks of the trade to improve your own skills. He's recently done a interesting series, "Tie Like a Pro"m which is quite good. And I just adore his intro: "What's goin' on everybody - Gunner here...". Check him out!

My old and very good friend, Daniel D. Holm, runs a flytying webshop, and has a YouTube channel attached to the shop. Daniel has done many different videos, but I think he's particularly well known for his pike flies. Daniel has both a Danish and an English channel, and I suppose most of you are most inclined to subscribe to his English channel. Daniel is a great guy, good friend, and if you're tempted to order fly tying materials from him, do so with my best recommendations - he always delivers good quality and prides himself on that fact.

Makflies is another interesting channel. He mostfly does trout flies, both loch-stuff and river stuff.

Another good friend, Morten "Coastfly" Hansen, also runs a YouTube channel (and a very succesful Instragram account - look him up), and he specialises in Scandinavian saltwater flies. Morten hasne't really been tying a fishing for as long as you'd think, but it's very obvious to everyone that he's invested more hours than most people do in 20 years. Morten is best know for his "glass flies", flies tied (more built) mainly with UV-resins.

The relatively new hook company, Ahrex Hooks (owned and run by friends, and a brand I'm also affiliated with somehow) also runs a YouTube channel. I've contributed to it myself, so you'll see some of my flies. Many others contribute, and the vidoes are very diverse and spans over everything from trout to pike.

Fly Fish Food is an American channel, I think run by a flyshop. Nice videos and plenty of inspiration mainly for the trout fisher. They also do other flies, but mainly trout, and within this catergory they span everything from minute nymphs to huge streamers.

Now I'll go to the desk and try out some new products coming out soon for tube flies. Interesting stuff that I'll probably report on here later in the spring.

Have a great weekend!
