Tracy&James | Thursday, 28 March 2019
This is going to be a very quick FP plugging the upcoming BFCC Cullompton (Devon) meeting. This is the first event of the year where we’ll be holding all the usual competition events plus providing tuition under the expert leadership of Mike Heritage MCI. Tracy and I haven’t attended a Devon meeting for a few years as normally we’re on holiday somewhere – this year we’ve managed to fit in the meeting just a day before we fly, so it’ll be a very busy weekend!
fly, so it’ll be a very busy weekend!
All the details can be found on the BFCC website or the Facebook page. On the Facebook page you’ll also find a post of the records, so if you see any that you think you can better then you should come along and beat them. Even after all the years of competing some of the records remain blank, particularly in the junior categories – hopefully this year we can persuade our younger members to fill these.
Over the course of the year the competitive casters will also be competing for the BFCC championship. For this you need to register two scores in each of the seven events cast – if you can attend more than two days then all the better as your lowest two scores from any event count (your higher scores are discarded). I can’t see that I’ll be able to defend my win from last year - I won’t be casting the heavier events and accuracy due to my current elbow condition. As such we’ll be congratulating a new winner by the time we finish up in Brentwood in October.
By the time one of us writes next week’s FP we’ll have been in the Bahamas for a few days. Hopefully we’ll have some fishing to talk about rather than me moaning about my arm, even if there’s no fish at least we’ll have some nice photos from the flats.
All the best,