Bernd Ziesche | Wednesday, 8 April 2015
I am just back from another teaching trip. So I drop a short front page this time. We have been to Denmark in order to catch a first fish (Sea trout) on fly rod. And it’s fair to say we had great fishing and all of us released some fine Sea trout!
Fly fishing, fly tying and fly casting all came together in 2 days. I often hear people saying fly fishing to be the most difficult sort of angling. In my experience this isn’t anywhere near truth. In fact I find it pretty tough sitting in a chair and waiting for a fish to eat a worm at the end of my line. All day long looking for new spots to present my fly in feels much easier to me instead. Sure one has to learn how to cast a fly rod. And yes, that may take a short extra time compared to learning how to cast a bait caster rod. But this short extra time is no more than a day usually, maybe two the most! Nothing special though. Learning how to properly catch fish is a long way in all sorts of angling. Fly fishing isn’t any special at all here. What makes fly fishing special to me are all the different fields like fly casting and fly tying, which most fly fishermen actively do themselves, all coming together within the fishing at the end. Oh and of course there is a lot of elegance in the way we present our flies to the fish. Well, mostly there is. ;)
At the board there is a discussion in the technical forum about what “pull-back” is and how it looks like compared to other fly casting techniques like drifting, sliding and of course creeping. Hopefully we can work some main characteristics out and describe them in an easy understandable way. Not always an easy task as we have experienced a lot of times here on Sexyloops. But hey, opposite to many other resources we mostly could offer some proper answers to most – if not all – questions people had about fly casting.
A great week and lots of fishing to all of you. Looking forward to the Danish Fly Festival next weekend!
All my best