A Fly On The Wall---Part 14 The Apricot & Orange Grizzly

A Fly On The Wall---Part 14 The Apricot & Orange Grizzly

Andy Dear | Monday, 13 February 2023

In the vise this week, we have another of JBT's Tarpon patterns, The Apricot & Orange Grizzly.

  The Apricot And Orange Grizzly is another one of Bubba's variations on a traditional theme. The Grey Squirrel collar gives it that traditional keys style "look", while the addition of the apricot maribou and apricot flashabou, along with the copper Krystal Flash head add a couple of not so subtle upgrades to the traditional tie.

  Squirrel tail has become one of my favorite collar materials for a number of reasons. Primarily because when dyed different colors, it tends to maintain what I consider to be just enough of a natural look that the color doesn't overwhelm the pattern itself. Add to the mix the apricot marabou, and this pattern really comes alive in the water. As per previous patterns, Bubba's signature Krystal flash head adds a bit of sparkle to the overall presentation. Remember that in order for the KF to really "pop", the best coating to use is an epoxy based fishing rod guide wrap coating which gives the highes "depth of image"

  Speaking of fishing rod guide wrap coatings, I have started a FB group dedicated to our Generation 4 Guide Wrap finish. This is not a rodbuilding page per se' but rather a place for anyone...rod maker or otherwise to learn more about epoxy-based casting resins that can be used for all types of tackle craft, not just rod building. My plan is to also add some youtube videos that hopefully will help anyone who uses epoxy adhesives and coatings....more specifically those engaged in rodbuilding, lure painting or fly tying.

Anyone interested can visit the group here:

  I am also toying with the idea of putting together another website dedicated to rodbuilding history. In addition to all of the interviews I have compiled over the years, I hve a fair amount of historically significant print media in my archives that I think would be of interest to the historians in our sport. Not sure how or when that will take place, but I think it will be a worthwhile resource for anyone interested in such things.

In the meantime, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!
