Super Lady

Super Lady

Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 25 August 2023

A week ago on Thursday I was guiding. It was a combined trip to an Italian-Finnish couple and to Super lady from Finland. I got a call from her on the previous Friday during hay making. She asked if I could take her fishing next week. She said that fishing has been difficult and hasn't got sizeable fish, also she said that she hasn't fished ever Kuusinki. She always has fished the upper part of Kitka which is easy to access.

At the end of the call she reminded me that she is not a young girl anymore so fishing spots can't be too difficult to move. I had a great spot on my mind immediately for her.

So on Thursday I went to pick her up. In the car she said that she is 80yrs. She got flyfishing gears as a present when she turned 70yrs. Her husband bought them after she had mentioned that she wants to learn flyfishing after watching people doing it. 

On the way she realized that she forgot the vest in the cabin, luckily I had Satu's vest and flies in the car, so she could loan those when fishing.

She didn't have a magnifier with her so she couldn't make knots. So I helped her with those, well I would have done that anyway. Her casting was good so she only needed some tips with presentations.

The whole group fished three hours before we had a picnic. The super lady got one fish and an Italian man four small graylings, his wife lost a few graylings. Not great fishing so far but okay, weather for rain, wind, sun, rain... not easy.


We spoke with other fishermen and they got nothing, so I was happy so far. After the picnic I had to take a couple back to Kuusamo because they had a long drive ahead. I showed some spots to the Super lady and took a couple back. 

When I returned she was still fishing, she had few strikes but could hook them. I changed dry fly to her. We were back in the original spot. It is 100% spot for grayling, never totally empty and 9 times from 10 it works with dries. 

She got 4 graylings with dry fly, as the biggest was about 30cm. It was time to finish our fishing. I also made a few casts and got one grayling.


It was absolutely a great day. She is the Super lady. Her fishing trip have been two weeks now. She said that now her grandson (13yrs) is now and then with her during the summer. Her husband doesn't fish so she is doing trips alone.

Image that you would start flyfishing at your 70 and still fishing and wading when you are 80 yrs. I truly hope that she has many fishing years ahead, she really loved fishing. Back in the cabin she showed flies that she has tied, I would take any box in anytime. Absolutely nice work. And she told that she has been watching youtube videos how to make them.

Keep fishing and rocking

Mika from Finland
