Bernd Ziesche | Wednesday, 25 September 2019
During the past days I was teaching fly casting, fly fishing for Sea trout as well as guiding for asp. In between I was fishing for asp myself.
During the weekend I was teaching fly fishing for coastal Sea trout in Denmark. Not easy to make any catch happen these days in the Danish Baltic sea. During the past years too many cormorants have entered the Danish rivers. Sadly this is the same in all other countries around the Baltic sea either. Usually cormorants would enter the rivers in cold winters in the first place, when all other waters are frozen. But once the cormorants know about the easy food in all rivers, they return - even in summertime! In addition we had and are having a lot of Sea trout (and other species of fish) dying in the German and Danish fjords (like Eckernförder Bucht, Flensburger Förde, Abenraa fjord and Harderslev fjord) due to low oxygen levels. The low oxygen levels are the outcome of way too much nitrogen getting on the farmer their lands and then into the water with the next rain. This will make for a lot of weeds to grow and when all the weed dies out in late summer into autumn, too much oxygen will be transformed here. Also the number of seals in the Baltic sea is quite high at the moment. Since a single seal eats 8Kg fish per day there are a lot of Sea trout as well as Sea trout food (sandeal and herings) getting killed here. Of course we anglers and a serious number of speer fishermen and net fishermen are also working on reducing the stock of Sea trout. All in all this high pressure leaded in lowering the overall stocks of Sea trout in the Baltic sea.
Anyway we had a great workshop on fly fishing for coastal Sea trout and everone caught his first Sea trout on fly rod.
Then I was guiding on fly fishing for asp and could help to make the first asp on fly rod happening for Erik (coming all the way from Denmark). Great moment for sure!
In between all teaching and guiding I was fishing for asp myself. Some fine asp showed up!
In 3 days I will start off to Pike-land and be there for the next 2 months. So there is a lot of fishing in the pipe. Obviously Paul is going to come second in the number of fishing days per year again. Hopefully I will make it over to Malaysia in winter and chase a large Toman together with Paul!!!
Great week to all of you!
All my best
Our last days....