Something I have noticed on the board is there is not much discussion about boats as being part of a fisherman's arsenal. Am I wrong to assume boats are not that popular for fly fishing in the UK and Europe and other northern hemisphere destinations and that it is mostly places like Australia where boats are used?
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It's been a great weekend gathering again here in Romania and I'm fishing with Tudor, Lasse and a bunch of other good people today. Last year I fished the Romanian rivers here in Transylvania, but this time I'm going to fish one of the lakes, apparently there are some big trout to be caught and we shall see!!!!
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Last weekend, we had the Danish Fly Casting Championships. As usual a very nice event in a good atmosphere and very nice conditions. Not too much wind (and it didn't shift too much during the the day) and weather was very nice.
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How many of you have not caught fish? How many of you have done so in the midth of rising fish? How many of you have done that after you boat exploded? I guess pretty much all have been in such or similar situations. Maybe not as extreme, but we all have our frustrating moments. There is only one fix - lift your view, take a deeeeep breath and look around you. Try to see the bigger picture. Tough ... but that is the only thing that works - and laugh. Be happy about you have a story to tell.
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In my experience there are several species of fish, which I think are the most desired ones for us fly fishermen. Those are: Steelhead, Atlantic salmon, Sea trout, Tarpon, Bonefish, Permit, Redfish, Striped Bass, Pike, Brown trout, Rainbow trout, Cutthroat trout, Char, Bass and Grayling. Sure there are far more species of fish we fly fish for! But I think most fly fishermen would find one or two of their favorites in between these species of fish. Most of these species I never saw to be caught during any of the world championships – following the pictures published in social media that was.
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The 2015 world fly fishing championships has just finished. What an exciting time for us Aussies when Chris Bassano was in first place individually after Section Two.
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It might seem odd to be packing for a fishing trip that isn't for another three weeks, but this is my last week in Hungary, I have my last commitment for the season this coming weekend in Romania, then it's back to Hungary, quickly winterise the cabin, pick up Peter, two days fishing on the Gacka, then off to England for a couple of weeks of work - if you want a flycasting lesson in the UK then please book now! And then middle-ish of July I'll be flying back to Malaysia...
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For me sight fishing is the ultimate element within fly fishing that peaks my enjoyment, creates excitement and what I look forward to most when thinking about going fishing. A little in the same way that dry fly fishing has an extra element, clear water just mesmerizes me. I’ll never forget the first time I saw crystal clear freestone rivers in New Zealand and feeling like my whole world just changed when compared with dark, dirty rivers in the UK. It brings a set of new challenges though as you now have to learn how to spot fish and be even stealthier than normal.
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This is kind of a mess, a bit of smashed potatoes, with some bacon, fish and music. I've been busier than a three peckered rooster in a hen house. but may have gotten things sorted out. thank you Harps.. and of course thank you to "he who will never shave again"
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I really like Star-Trek. Very special storytelling and always some hip inventions which get one thinking. However ... what does this has to do with fishing?
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23 years ago I started fly fishing for Atlantic salmon on the river Gaula in Norway. Back then I was told that catching a salmon in the most famous pool of river Gaula – the “Gaulfossen” - would not be real salmon fishing. In fact it (the catch) would not count at all!
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I have always liked reading non-fiction books about mountain climbing, sailing and exploration of places like Antarctica. I also like watching TV shows about fishing, even though there are very few that cover fly fishing, I still enjoy them. Now, I have found a friend that has an amazing library of DVDs all about fly fishing.
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It's been almost 8 years since I first started appearing in this part of the world... Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia - and one of the first things I came to notice here about my own fishing, is that while I thought I knew how to nymph, fact was I didn't! Of course I've caught a hell of a lot of fish on nymphs in my life, 20 years of UK Stillwater fishing, 20 years of NZ backcountry angling, half a dozen summers in the US - if you've learned fly fishing you've learned nymphing... or so I thought...
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I’ll start off by expanding on Paul’s comments from last week… I’m a ‘not so good skier’ as back in March whilst spending my winter’s the way I choose to i.e. skiing rather than the more masochistic approach of grayling fishing at minus 5, I crashed in competition and broke my back in two places. It’s not the first time I’ve seriously hurt myself (my A&E list could cover the FPs for a month or two) but it was the most debilitating and whilst I fortunately don’t have any lasting mobility issues it did get me thinking about casting and specifically teaching casting to those with a disability.
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I've spent my outings over the last ten days chasing trout and grayling. It's early June and the mayflies are hatching.
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It's been a while since I've written...
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Last Wednesday I offered a few thoughts about sharing one’s fishing hot spots or not. An interesting discussion followed on the Sexyloops board.
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It is a really great feeling to walk into a fly fishing shop and see that there is everything you ever need to enjoy the sport. It is easy to spend an hour or even more, wandering around, looking at the rods, the reels, the fly tying material, the hooks, the clothes.....
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Today I'm going to talk to you about a technique that I have been learning for a while now. I don't claim to know everything about it, far from it, however I've been very fortunate to have fished with some excellent competition river anglers who have this technique dialled in. Now it's had some bad press, some guys who I respect very much don't even consider it to be fly fishing, which I find a bit strange, but I'm not going to talk about that, only describe the method and then you can decide if you want to learn it.
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First up many many thanks to Bruce for a short but very interesting series of FPs. Madison Summer is upon Bruce and he wants to be fishing and not writing about it! Have a great summer Bruce and thanks a bunch! Moving the Sunday slot back around the world, is Scotty picking up next weekend. Scotty is an instructor, excellent angler, not such a good skier, and fellow British Team caster. I'm looking forward to what he has to write very much. Taking over from Craig this week, we have Thomas Zullich, who's another good friend of mine and an excellent flytyer. TZ is a fly tying demonstrator and amongst other things will be writing about some great flies, that are not just simple to tie but also fish catchers! Thanks Craig and Bruce!! Welcome Scotty and Thomas!
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Well firstly a big thanks to Craig for an awesome set of Front Pages; it's been very interesting to read about your fishing and I'll thoroughly recommend your guiding services to anyone visiting your region!! Hope to have you back after a busy summer! It sounds like you have a great thing going :)
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I spent most of my time fly fishing in many different places around the globe. Fair to say I had the opportunity to fish a serious number of truly hot spots among all these places. Pretty often people asked me for help in choosing a proper spot to fish for whatever species they were after. Would you give away your hot spot?
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Thought I would tell you a little about a well known fly fishing destination in the Pacific Ocean, frequented by Australians - the Republic of Kiribati. One island, Christmas Island (not the same one in the Indian Ocean which is a territory of Australia), is part of the Kiribati Northern Line islands and is the main destination for fly fishers. Kiritimati is a beautiful place and is close to the Americas, especially the Hawaiian Islands.
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