Unlike Bernd, I couldn't buy a fish today. The water is still cold, below fifty (f) here. There were no bugs to speak of so in an act of minimalism I fished just one fly - not variations of, not different sizes or colors. Only this one, this small streamer. Call it an experiment.
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Most coastal fly fishermen I met along the coast chasing Sea trout fished mainly one and one only tactic. That was presenting a relatively small fly in pretty low speed to the fish. They offered a much slower moving fly than 95% of the natural oceanic food is moving.
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Or is it? It is the beginning of the second week of my casting instruction which is changing everything about my current cast. It does come with a the frustration, as initially thought, but the biggest is not being 100% sure if I am doing something incorrectly (I will probably receive an email from my Instructor requesting a new video to check my progress after this FP - well, after the Scottish meet and his fishing trip thereafter, at least).
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The Sexyloops Meet in Scotland is coming up fast and is in fact next weekend. We've been meeting annually for over a decade now. It's a Board members meet really, but everyone is welcome to attend. Lots of instructors present, as well as casting competitors, so both of these things feature strongly, but more than that; it's a meeting of like-minded friends... and there should be some great fishing to be had this time as well!
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Being Danish - and Scandinavian, tubeflies have been an intregral part of my flyfishing and flyfishing right from the beginning. Tubeflies are great for a lot of things. I fish them a lot in the river of course, where they offer a lot of advantages. One advantage is that you can control hook placement with the length of the tube. A longer tube places the hook further back, which can be advantageous for sea trout, who often "take short".
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Busy, busy last couple of weeks for this instructor. Gobs of lessons in Central Park, and in the Catskills, as well some tying. A picture is worth how many words? So please accept this salon of images, evidence of my doings.
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Okay, so it's time to get serious, and I mean really serious, about my cast. Paul will be the instructor, alongwith numerous videos from the Sexyloops site, but it will involve a lot of practice, videos, frustration, blisters and more frustration to get it right. But we don't plan on stopping at just ordinary... we plan to go beyond and to have me casting at least as well as most men in Australia. That's the plan, at least - just hope I can live up to my instructor's and my hopes. My dream is to get the front position of any boat I go out in (pointed out by Paul after tuna trip).
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It's been fun to fish the UK reservoirs again. I do like this sort of fishing; I grew up fly fishing the reservoirs and I have to say they have changed, and for the better. Catch and Release has IMO much improved the fishing. One needs now to fish imitatively and of course the Stillwater scene is different and we are much better anglers in general. Something I have realised and started to take note of, is the benefit of fishing lighter tackle... back in the old days I was fishing "light" with a 7-weight, and then a 6-weight, and later a 5-weight... now however I am a believer in fishing the 4-wt.
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I worked for Scientific Anglers for many years when it was owned by 3M. 3M is a great company, but very big and not really the right kind of owner for a small company in the fly fishing industry. Things went well for a long time, but in the last decade, 3M lost it's enthusiasm to run SA properly....
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The Danish Fly Festival 2015 is over, and was a great success as always. Contrary to 2013, the weather was fantastic - Saturday saw close to 20 degrees C and no wind. The weather was fine on the Sunday as well, although rather windy. We're already thinking about 2017 and there were lots of ideas from visitors, exhibitors, casters and tyers to evaluate and implement.
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... really not a question.
For five springs now The Antietam Fly Anglers, an IFFF club out of Hagerstown Maryland, has put on a fly casting rendezvous. This past March was my fourth time taking the drive down to the historic Potomac River basin to help and hang out with like minded casting geeks especially with chief instigator and dear pal Bob Stouffer.
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During the past weekend we have been on the Danish Fly Festival in Kolding, Denmark. The Danish Fly Festival has always been one of my favorite fly fishing events. It always was well organized to be a great meeting point for lots of expert fly fishermen. Most well known fly fishermen have been on that show!
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I mentioned this in an earlier FP, but a crew from Scientific Anglers came to visit Montana last month. I'd like to think it was just to see me, but not..... Our European sales staff was in town for some other meetings, it just made sense. In spite of my efforts, I was dragged into some of the meetings, I was hoping to be involved in the social stuff... But we did have time to fish, weather was nice, fish fairly cooperative...
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The anticipation is growing! I am supposed to be going tuna fishing tomorrow morning at 0600 hrs with a guide from Mooloolaba, QLD.
There is some doubt that the trip may be cancelled due to bad weather so I have become vocally religious praying out loud that the weather be kind to us (me and Lando, fishing buddy for the day).
Now it is just a waiting game to receive a phone call from our guide, Gavin Platz of Tie'n'Fly Outfitters, Mooloolaba, QLD to confirm........ WE'RE GOING!!!!!
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I'm just back from a weekend in Denmark at the Fly Festival, which was as always a superbly organised event, with approximately 2000 visitors over the weekend. And this year it was warmer than the previous event, where the outdoor casting pools had frozen! It was a great time and fun to meet up with many friends again and talk fishing. I hadn't seen Simon Gawesworth in ages so it was great to meet up again, as well as Chris Rownes, Lars and Bernd and many others. Lasse I saw briefly but I was involved in teaching TZ's girlfriend to cast and then he disappeared :)
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Although fishing season doesn't open in Yellowstone Park until June, now is a great time to explore the park. Well, the parts that aren't still covered with feet of snow....
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April 1st, is no joke, but mother nature is a jokster.
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Possible other titles for this FP:
3. Dress For Success.
4. Not Neoprene!!
2. Half Man, Half Guide.
5. Please, That's Mr. Instructor To You.
1.When Is Dry Cleaning a Tax Deduction For a Fly Casting Instructor?
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I am just back from another teaching trip. So I drop a short front page this time. We have been to Denmark in order to catch a first fish (Sea trout) on fly rod. And it’s fair to say we had great fishing and all of us released some fine Sea trout!
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The Easter break is upon us when hoards of people drive from their suburbia houses to cramped campgrounds to live in each other's pockets and lives for four days to "get away from it all". All this is accomplished after enduring hours and hours of travel in a traffic jam to reach a destination that usually only takes two hours.
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I'm on a three day trip up to North England, fishing the Eden with Lightning Mark Stoatstail and Wild Pig Peter. At the time of writing, this is the end of Day 1. This day was undoubtedly Mark's day, for he had seven fish and Wild Peter and I had none each. Of course we all hooked fish, and broke on fish, and missed fish. But only one person landed fish, and that was Mark. Curiously Mark told me to tie Large Dark Olives in small sizes and Grannoms, which Peter and I duly did. Did Mark catch his fish on better-tied LDOs? No, of course not, he fished nymphs downstream and across and told me this on the way back from the river.
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BWOs are popping and fish are eating them on top, a sure sign of spring in Montana. Of course, the bugs are mixed with the odd snow flake and howling wind sometime..... First wildflowers are out too, and rainbows are on their redds working to continue their kind.....
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I had stopped in at a friend's house to drop off something, an excuse really to see how his spring fishing had been going. The door opened and he smiled with a snicker of sorts - said he had something of mine.
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Inspired by Craig, Paul and Glenda I went back in time either.
In age of three years I saw an angler catching an eel. It was this moment, when I discovered some kind of fire burning inside me. A fire, which later on in my life would stop burning. At least that was what quiet many people (family members in the first place) kept telling me for many years.
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