The first thing that usually pops into my head when someone mentions accuracy is rings, targets and people frantically trying to compose themselves to nail the cast but this in reality is the totally wrong impression to have. I think it stems from being an instructor (we like rings) and hanging around casting competitions (they also like rings). If you’re being led down the same route, maybe a little rethink is needed to focus yourself on what accuracy should really mean for your fishing.
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That's where the fish are!
We wish all of you a fantastic fly fishing year 2016!!!
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Fly fishing with heavy one-handed outfits is the most physically demanding casting in our sport. The number of casts you make per day, the cast length, fly weight and the wind speed, will determine the physical requirements. The demands become greater and the rods stiffer and heavier as you increase line weight, fly size and weight. Therefore, it pays to learn efficient technique and also prepare your body in advance, if you don’t participate in activities or train in a way that get you ready.
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I've been running a bar on and off for the past month. It doesn't actually pay any money, sort of covers costs of being here and I've been looking into placing a bit more of a foothold in Malaysia. The interesting thing about running a resort bar is that you get to meet many interesting people, for example I met some immigration officers a few weeks ago... and got some excellent advice on staying longer and possibly setting up a Sexyloops business arm here in Malaysia. And the option has come up to buy the bar!
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Mike is on the back of a busy festive period right now and I bet he's a hell of a lot busier than the resort bar that I'm managing (for free bananas) and so inspired by yesterday's great "Wiggle Tail" FP from Viking Lars, I thought I'd take the opportunity today to talk about what I think and know to be fly fishing. Many people might disagree with what I'm about to say, and that's fine because actually it truly doesn't matter that they're wrong when it comes down to it, because all that really matters is that we have fun and enjoy fishing. However, before we get all warm and cosy, allow me to enlighten you...
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So where do we stand on wiggle tails? There's been much debate on what constitutes fly fishing. Is it the cast? Is it the "fly"? If so - what is "a fly"? How heavy can "a fly" become before it's no longer a fly, but "a lure"? I don't know where I stand on this.
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In the last section we introduced a new element to the mix. Dubbing. Well, what exactly is dubbing? Dubbing in fly tying lingo is a verity of fluff. Synthetics, fur, chopped feathers (CDC), wools ... whatever. Look around and you find a myriad of stuff you can use. Tie a fly with what you found and test it.
One of the very interesting dubbing materials I came across is seals fur and a substitute some wools. You know the ones "grandma´s" wool sweater is made of.
To me it is important to understand what the chosen dubbing should do - or better worded - what type of parameters you want to achieve.
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I’m back! I think we need a little summary of what has happened since my last FP. I’ve sat and passed my final accountancy exams which is quite exciting and it looks like Paul grew a beard which has since fallen off. I think it’s because it wasn’t working at making him any wiser.
So, to casting…
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Fly Fishing of course is the best that I can do on the 24th of December - as it is on all other days of the year! Probably I should keep my girlfriend from reading this, but then again she knows me anyway. And this is hard to believe, but she loves me the way I am!
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Sometimes the best fishing is during the worst weather. Predatory fish feel safer feeding under the cover of clouds and surface disturbance. This means windy conditions, with various types of precipitation possible. When you’re casting out in the open, wind is a challenge to all elements of performance and pleasure. I’m often asked about under-lining and over-lining a rod to deal with wind. I almost always cast what I determine to be a balanced line and rod combination for maximum distance. On a blue moon, I might over-line a rod if I’m only casting less than a whole thirty-foot head, as when fishing in tiny trout streams. As I cover in detail in the equipment section, when there is wind, I will use a faster action rod of the same line weight, or jump up a size with the whole outfit. For example, for trout I’ll go up from a 4wt outfit to a 5, or for adult tarpon, from an 11wt outfit to a stiff 12. A heavier line cast at the same speed as a lighter one will be more effective at overcoming the wind. But even with the right gear, it’s all in the technique.
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I had a lovely birthday here in the Philippines on Camingian Island, which is a stunning volcanic island paradise. There is very good fishing to be had - apparently - but I didn't see big fish in the flats because there weren't any. We stayed at Volcan Eco Resort, which is a super place - great food, nice people and we'll come back next year and dive/fish. I've decided that this year I'm going to work...
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I think I finally get to the conclusion about Saltwater Fly Fishing. Maybe some of you won’t agree, but after my Wednesday trip with Vince I completely changed my point of view. It would be different if living in prime locations like Exmouth, CXI, or Far North QLD, but even there you need a boat to get to good spots. What I was doing until now was not a saltwater fly fishing instead it was casting saltwater gear into salt water and IMAGINING to hook up something big.
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December is not my biggest fishing-month, although it should be... But alas, december holds family obligations en masse and since I try avoid working between Christmas and New Year, I always have a ton of deadlines to meet.
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Water insects spend most of their lives under water.
I fetched a few sentences from Wikipedia. There it says that the larva's appearance is generally very different from the adult form. A larva often has unique structures and organs that do not occur in the adult form, while their diet might be considerably different.
Larvae are frequently adapted to environments separate from adults. For example, some larvae such as tadpoles live almost exclusively in aquatic environments, but can live outside water as adult frogs. By living in a distinct environment, larvae may be given shelter from predators and reduce competition for resources with the adult population. Animals in the larval stage will consume food to fuel their transition into the adult form.
So imitating a food source like a larva is done with so called "nymphs". That´s flies which sink and look something like the stuff the fish eat pretty close to the bottom.
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Ashly and I are just about to board a plane destined for the Philippines. We fly into Cebu today and then over to Camigion Island (hope I spelt that right!) for tomorrow. A bit of last minute research told me that there is a possibility of trevally - ok not massive but GTs that might need a 10WT rod and a reel that works...
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After teaching fly fishing for 56 days in a row I am having my first day off TODAY. And guess what... Marina and I will be fly fishing!
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Whether you’re sight fishing while on shore, wading, or standing on the deck of a flats skiff, you must have the advantage of surprise. You must be able to quickly make far, accurate casts so neither you nor the boat you’re in spook fish. When permit, tarpon and bonefish are spooked, they will leave in a hurry and possibly alert other fish they encounter on their exit.
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Anyone can join in, but we prefer it if you are mad, funny, male or female, fishing is your number one passion in life, you don't have to like casting but you will come to love it, are one of life's includers, and preferably here in life to make friends - and fish as much as possible of course.
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You all remember my trip plan from last week. Well things went not as plan....
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Entomology - big old Greek word this is. The scientific (again something scary) study of insects. A funny science. Insects count for more than two thirds of all known organism. Amazing. No wonder the old Egyptians were fascinated by them.
But no worries - YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW ALL THIS - just a little bit. Why, you ask?
Simply because insects are a big part of fresh water fish diet. The fish we want to catch feed on insects. Flyfishers catch fish with the help of insect imitations. Not only the very fly, but also the behaviour and life cycles and so on.
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Thank you very much Alex for a interesting series of FPs on Bulgarian fishing and thoughts about fishing and tackle development! I'm looking forward to another series from Alex in the future. Next week in this slot however, sees the return of Scotty! Scotty is a good friend from Scotland, who is an instructor and has fished with Sexyloopers around the world. He was also a member of the British Fly Casting Team when that existed. Now I imagine he will be Team Scotland. Also Happy Birthday Scotty (who is 25 today!).
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Words are very unnecessary!
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Words are very unnecessary - Enjoy the silence!
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Back in the ‘90s, I arranged a trip to Plummer’s Arctic Lodges on Great Bear Lake to film our cable fishing show, Hunt for Big Fish. We were mainly interested in sight fishing for monster lake trout, instead of the trolling the lake is most noted for. Great Bear is partially above the Arctic Circle and just below the tree line. The tree line in Canada forms almost a 45 degree angle; starting in the east near Churchill Manitoba on Hudson Bay and rising northwest until it hits the Arctic Ocean at the northern tip of the Yukon.
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I was going to write about being in a fishing slump, but actually that's not really true. Maybe once it was - fish too much, running a season ticket, need a change? Hell we've all been there. Best thing is to ring the changes and fish a new species/location or else do something really challenging - i.e. big browns in 20ft of water; investigate something new. However, that was 20-odd yrs ago. Since then I've been travelling.
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Hi guys, as per my last front page I thought I would wait until 10 of December when my sister-in-law arrives and then go fishing. But I can’t wait that long! My good mate called me the other day and wants to go fishing, not being on my own slows me down a bit, but hey I am going with my mate - let’s do it.
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Lars has been called away on short notice for a spot of Viking pillaging! Which allows me to quickly talk about the Board...
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Here is an old story that started back some 100+ years ago, when an angler fishing the exclusive sections of the southern England chalkstreams decided to promote the dry fly as the only method worthwhile on a chalkstream.
The guy had some strong followers for no apparent reason, except that this way was the way THEY like it it to be.
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Fly fishing with a proper guide usually means you get a lot of excellent hints helping you to present your fly smoothly and effectively to the fish. Of course it also means you will pay a serious amount of money!
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When I first started fishing for tarpon in the Florida Keys, word of mouth said; the best fishing was in May around the Bahia Honda bridge between Bahia Honda Key and Big Pine Key. One of my respected sources even said, if you don’t have wind, the first days are best, because the fish haven’t been harassed yet. I guess everybody has to start somewhere. So I hired guides and fished the migratory tarpon that accumulate in the deep water of the Bahia Honda Channel and pour-out onto the flats to the north and south in spring and early summer. I learned how to cast in wind, lead a fish, entice the strike and tire a fish quickly. Guides and peers said, a fly angler is doing well if they land one fish a day. This is a crowded scene and the fish can shut down because of pressure. The strings of fish swimming over white sand stand-out and don’t get a chance to rest.
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