HT10 to Australia

This is Tim’s second HT10. Having two of the same rod makes a lot of sense, partly if one accidentally blows up when you’re on an adventure but also it can be very useful to have two different set-ups ready to go at a moment’s notice.

The HT10 was developed on both coasts of Australia as well as here in Malaysia. I use a number of lines on this rod of around AFFTA 10.

When it was developed I used a RÍO Tech Tarpon taper that was true to weight and 60’ long in the head (I don’t think this is now manufactured).

Here in Malaysia one of my go-to set-ups is with a SA Infinity 9 (which is 9.5WT).

Basically pick a line according to its actual line weight according to AFFTA and you won’t go wrong.  In other words it’s a 10WT. 🙂

Feel free to drop me an email on for info on this or any other rod. And remember all HT rods currently come with a free Zoom video conferencing casting session.

Cheers, Paul

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