The Stoatstail!

It’s great to see a rod with this decal!

I’m flat out this week but next week I shall be starting the 2019 HT competition. This time I want to hear your rod/s story from the point of view of your rod!!! Stu Tripney had an entry like this in last competition and so now we would like to hear from the other rods out there!

Thanks, Paul


Hot off the bench and on its way to Canada. The Instructor 6 – a tool that students can see – because your students are worth it! 🙂

You can read the reviews here.

Posting out a rod is like a sending a child out into the world. It’s always exciting – and I enjoy hearing of its experiences!

The Competition Shirts have arrived!

A huge thank you to everyone who entered the Hot Torpedo competition. Everyone who entered of course gets a shirt. I hope that you like them and get excellent use out of them. I’ve been living in the same two shirts for several years, here in the jungle, and despite being washed a couple of times they have not faded!

Thanks again – and thanks to Tim Kempton for the idea in the first place. 🙂