Round 3 – Entry 15 – Sean Geer

The HT4 is not actually a fishing rod. It’s a time machine.

I spent endless summers in the west country as a child. They were endless in all the wrong senses of that word; days, or more often weeks, of Devonian drizzle and dankness. Retrospectively, they seemed only bearable on the days that we stopped to look at the tiny moorland streams. I’d lean over the little stone bridges, desperate for a glimpse of a trout, bewitched by the sight and sound of the water tumbling between impossibly pretty pools – the whole world, and my whole attention, reduced to those few square feet of peaty, bouldery water.

Is there a word for that phenomenon, I wonder? You know what I’m talking about – that sudden telescoping of reality into the area immediately around your fly, the collapse of everything else around your immediate sensory field into a barely perceptible blur. It’s been a regular feature of my life for over thirty years now, but it has rarely been as sudden or vivid as it was this week on Dartmoor. With one stroke of my time machine, I was ten years old again – the weather no kinder, the streams no less mesmerising, the trout still as jewel-like.

I hardly needed something as sophisticated as an HT4 to catch this fish, of course. On streams the size of these, the line barely leaves the rod tip; and in any case, such encounters rarely give one much cause to consider anything as mundane as tackle or fly selection. Still, the Hot Torpedo took me there. Whatever its fishing qualities – and there are many, of course – it’s by far the best tool I know for poking holes in the space-time continuum.


For the competition Stealth Master shirt, what we’re going to do is to remove the Malaysian Mahseer, replace it with this underwater trout, courtesy of Stuntman Ronan, reduce the Sexyloops back logo to around 1/2 the size (so it looks less like a footballers shirt 🙂 ) And on the front underneath the Sexyloops logo will be the words “Hot Torpedo 2017” and on the opposite side your name plus any casting qualifications/website blurb that you want!

This limited-edition shirt will only be available to competition entrants and is not for sale. Your shirt does not include shipping/post which is 10GBP world-wide!

To claim your shirt you need to write a short story about your Hot Torpedo rod along with photographs (if you don’t have a HT rod then there is still time to buy one!). The top four entrants win the new improved Sexyloops Lumi-line and the very best entry wins a custom built Hot Torpedo rod of his or her choice.

Entries close Dec 15th 2017.

Round 3 – Entry 14 – Michal Duzynski


Finally I had a day to myself, finally after many months I took my kayak out, finally I took my SLHT COMP5 to see some water (this rod must be fed-up seeing grass only), AND FINALLY I caught my first fish from the yak and lucky enough it was caught on SL HT.

It was fantastic day, water was very calm and most of all, it was very quiet- just what I needed after days in busy restaurant. Starting with poppers – without luck – and then changed to Bass Vampires in order to dig this Aussie bass from the depths.

The rod as we all know now is fantastic, but I really need to think about my fly line setup. Today I only had Barrio GT125 in 6wt and 10foot leader. Casting in seating position was a bit challenging. In order to not to tick too much I really had to speed up my stroke and at the same time widen the arc- saying that, I mean I wave this stick a lot today.

Anyway as good as the water looked today the action was very slow. Around 8am I was drifting slowly on top of the very dense weed carpet. I cast, and while I was waiting for the fly to sink, guess what- my wife called to ask what time Im coming back (so no full day to myself – as I said at the begining).

In exactly the same moment as I said HELLO – I was on, man this women on the other side of the phone just said hello to the happiest man on Earth. Rod is bending, awsome head shakes, kayak is going left and right and after few minutes I had my first ever fish in my kayak. SLHT did not disappoint as usual.

Sounds cool doesn’t it- but there is another story to that. I think I got more luck than skill. Once I landed this bass I noticed I hooked it above the eye in the gill blade ha ha ha- well still counts right???

On the end of the day I realised what has the most meaning in my fly fishing, regardless what rod you holding in your hand (apart from casting of course)- it’s the take, the tug, the moment the line gets tight, and the first bend in your rod- I am lucky to experience that with best rod there is SL HOT TORPEDO.
