First of a Set to the Mongolian Casting Sport Federation Here’s the first of three Comp rods off to Mongolia who will be attending the next World Championships in the UK. Great to see a new team! The SL COMP5 MCS Federation
Tim Kempton and his HT6 Tim’s been fishing with Stuntman Ronan in New Zealand; Had a great trip with Ronan… he is inspiring in his approach..planning, preparation and ability to see fish! Tim, his HT6 and a nice NZ trout.
The HT Instructor 6 Here is a video compilation of my dicking around with my HT Instructor rod! Thanks Zoran for the fantastic music 🙂
Ronan experiences the HT4 Stuntman Ronan has been fishing with Tim Kempton, down in NZ, and has just experienced the laser-like HT4. I recommend this rod with a DT4. It’s my all-round trout rod nowadays. Stuntman Ronan and the HT4