
Simon Svan reviews his HT6…

Simon Svan, a nice NZ trout his custom build HT6

The build is top notch,  and as good as studio built rods from New Zealand or the green ones from Montana.  The tube is bigger than most which is good ’cause you can fit 2 rods in one tube!

I fished the Torpedo 6 for 3 weeks in NZ now. My thoughts…

This is a tool with a purpose.  There is no lack of power in the blank which is a must for me when it comes to an all-round rod. 20 feet leader with a dryfly, heavy nymph rig, wind, streamers, mouse fly you name it. Of course the rod won’t do it FOR YOU,  but you get the drift (no pun intended).  I can cast quite a long line with a compact stroke which I like for pin point presentation casting with dries. And I can do it with high speed when it is needed!

I don’t know what carbon density is used or which x-wave special resin blabla is in the blank. And I don’t care 🙂 I just know it’s nice to cast in-close with a small dry and that it delivers with authority in wind. It’s very crisp and as Paul states the tip recovery is insane.  Which will help you to throw sexy, pointy and very fast loops. Hold on to your shorts…

One more thing.  The rod casts a 5wt line really tight,  and I will probably use one when long range fishing in big placid rivers with a dryfly/emerger.

Big trout, double nymph rig with indicator fly. Small one 16 parachute casting only 18 feet of leader.

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