slide the line towards us in order to
position the flyline just off to the
side of the body
wait until the tip of the flyline is
stationary on the water in front of
'D-loop' has been formed with the rod
and the flyline
drive the rod tip forwards bending it
against the weight of the line in the
then stop our rod forcing it to
unbend and cast our line
as the
line lands on the water we lower the
tip of the rod.
Because we do
not rely on casting very much line behind us
this cast is great in situations where we
either haven't got the space for the
backcast, or when it's just too windy to get
a safe backcast.
Also the roll
cast can be used as part of a casting
sequence - ie as a lift element in which case
it allows us to fish the fly to our feet,
still leaving enough line outside the tip
ring to make a cast.
With sunkline
fishing this is the cast to use to get the
line out of the water (unless you are
changing direction, in which case you are
best to start digging - see alternative lifts
If a fish
takes our fly at the moment when we have just
formed our D-loop (as they do - partly
because the fly just stopped moving, but
mainly because the fish are out there to
annoy us) the only way to hook him is to roll
cast, and use the momentum of the line
travelling forwards to set the hook.
Incidentally this takes great presence of
mind - but accounts for over 20% of my catch
- so learn it if you haven't already!
NB: unlike
with the overhead cast, the roll cast does
not require a straight length of line on the
water. So it's useful after a casting cock-up
In order for
the cast to work efficiently it is important
tip of the line is anchored and
stationary on the water surface
line is in the D-loop to bend the rod
line is lying to the side of the body
and not in front of the body where it
will spring up and hook the caster on
the forecast
line is as close to the body as
possible (no more than half a rod
length) because this cast is most
efficient when the tip of the rod
travels directly over the flyline
tip of the rod travels in a straight
line on the forward cast in order to
throw an elliptical loop, as
opposed to a round one which lands in
a heap at the end
we are
not trying to make the roll cast
using the thin shooting part of a
weight forward flyline.