I may be about to change the way you cast; I certainly hope to change the way you think.
This may be something new and then again it may not. However it is not just style;
it's better than that. We all do something a little bit different. I believe that
what I am doing is the best style of flycasting that I have tried and of course this is why I do it.
If something better still comes along then I will change, I am not only open to change but I am
actively seeking it out; after all this IS what I do.
Although this page is about something really simple, ie the grip, it can have a profound effect on the loop, for how you hold the rod actually governs how abruptly you can execute the stop. You want an abrupt stop.
I have tried changing absolutely everything. This is a change of grip. It is also the start of a series of serious pulling content.
I believe that virtually every flycaster uses their wrist ineffectively and this is a result of how they hold the rod. The classic style of casting with the thumb on top, behind the spine of the rod, isn't the best use of the wrist. By rotating the hand so that the palm faces forwards during the forward delivery you can create a far more abrupt stop.
You can try this out yourself right now without a rod: pick up a pencil and with the “classic” grip make a little wrist flick, then try rotating the hand 45% and try the same downward snap movement. It is crisper. Now comes the real deal. Try making this movement miniscule, to the extent where it is simply a squeeze the hand. You simply cannot make the sharp movement in the classic style.
This is a beginning but before we go further and start to delve into The Stoke, I want you to try the crooked thumb. For me, using this style (which we will call the Arden Flip-flop Style) by cocking the thumb so that it is opposite the forefinger I can make the sharpest stops of all – want a tiny loop on a roll cast? Then this is the baby for you… actually there are a few other things you will need but this is a start :-)
Tomorrow we will continue with the Arden Flip-flop Cast by talking about the angle of the pull.