Tying flies and exploring water!
I’ve been getting out as much as possible this winter. I’m busy with upkeep of the house and the 2 kids but making a decent amount of time to get out on the water. Sometimes not even carrying a rod! I spent a couple of days just walking small streams and still waters to see if they’d be worth fishing in October. Totally new water. Even though I saw very few fish the quality of the water looked great. One section which I cant wait to revisit in October was a continuous string of pools and runs over about 2kms. So much fishable water in a short stretch that I reckon there could almost be a full day fishing on it. I just hope the fish show up in October when it opens. Why I saw no fish there I just don’t know. Maybe they’re still way upstream spawning? I hope so. It’s usual for trout to make no sense!
I’ve been tying streamers and buggers for a few upcoming trips too. On a day out with Chris and Jeff recently I realised I had only one decent streamer in my box! Even if I think I’ve run out I can generally scrape a few from some corner of the storage boxes in the back of the truck, but not on this day. The one I had I quickly lost but Jeff sorted me out and I managed to catch a few fish! That was a super day actually. The fishing was okay but great to catch up with 2 good friends on the river.
I had one guide day too. The first one since March 23rd! A very enjoyable day with John. He was about to fly back to the states after a season working on the vineyards and just managed to fit in a day with me. He landed a brown and rainbow and lost a few more. A very enjoyable day out!
I did some more filming with Jeff and Nick for the next series of Pure Fly NZ. Plenty fish landed but were going back soon for a couple of days to see if we can land something big!
Thats all for now.. Some fishing trips on the horizon so hopefully more fish in the next report!
If you’re in NZ and would like to chat about some guided fishing, please contact me through my website or email me ronan@sexyloops.com.
Tight Lines, Ronan..
Exploring some new water.. Full of promise. Pool after pool.. I’ll be busy with my saw! A still water. I found this on google earth. No room to cast but perfect for a float tube. Didn’t see any but they must be there!!! Walking a I section I know quite well. We saw a couple! Here’s one. A very solid fish. Not actually as black as the picture portrays. Jeff and Nick. Well armed! We had some great fishing! John into one.. A healthy rainbow.. And then a brown a while later.. John’s first brown.. Out with Chris and Jeff! A likely bit of water.. Stunning! “The full Dore” for lunch.. Off to the next spot.. Trying to keep a decent fish out of the snags! In the net.. He escaped before we got a good fish pic! Good for the soul. Fishing talk. Various streamers.. This dark blue and and black colour combination has been the best for me over the years. I simply cant keep enough of them in my box. My buggers. Out with the gang on Butchers Dam.