Fly Fishing Freedom…
Between 2002 and 2011 I fished the majority of every NZ season. Total freedom. I’d work in Ireland during the NZ winter and save as much as I could for the next trip to NZ. After moving to NZ full time in 2011, much of the freedom continued – I just had to fit the fishing around work. As a single man I’d fish every weekend, public holiday and day off throughout all seasons. Things are different now. My wife and 2 kids are now my priority. It’s amazing how quickly time passes and I’m enjoying every minute with them. Recently I got a window to go away and fish myself for 3 days. I really don’t remember when I had this last! Guiding is different, I’m talking personal personal fishing time. Mark was on board to join me right away as we were trying to put a trip together anyway. Next I thought I’d ask a few of the other lads. 4 of us ended up hitting the road for 3 days… I forgot how great the freedom of being on the road fishing feels. That was the drug for 9 years of NZ seasons before I decided to live here. Of course I still fish a lot, a few days a week I’ll get out for a fish. Even if it’s just a few hours. But it’s so hard now to get away over night with my 2 little beauties to look after.
We had 3 brilliant days of fishing. We broke up in different groups each day and covered small streams, stillwaters and rivers. It was a nice mix of tried and trusted and totally new water. One of the exploration days yielded a superb find. A piece of water that I cant wait to get back to with better conditions. Also an excellent guiding option. The highlight of the 3 days for me was a stillwater that I used to fish a lot many years ago. Kevin (Shotgun) first took me there in about 2004. I have so many great memories of the place since then. I had magic fishing on it with my dad – some of our best memories of fishing together over here actually. I also fished it with Chris Dore, Bob Wyatt, Tonio, Fraser and now Wesley. Early season access has always been hard to get with lambing but we were just lucky on our day that they had moved the ewes into the next field and the farmer was happy to let us through. About the fishing – Wesley went left and I went right. Numbers were less than in the past but still plenty to keep us focused. We each landed a few of the most beautiful trout an angler can can catch. Sight fishing with a dry dropper accounted for most. When we were almost finished on it, I changed to a double nymph rig to fish some deep water blind. I moved 3 before landing another stunner.. That was the icing on the cake. I have to say, I’m delighted and relieved to have my HT6 again. It’s been cursed that rod! It keeps getting broken – not manufacture error I should say – just stupit shit keeps happening to it! I feel like the curse is now over and I’ll be able to enjoy this fabulous rod again. If not, I have a back up. Ha! Take that, curse!
Part of the craic on a trip like this is getting into the pub at the end of the day for feed and a schather of pints. I rarely look past the steak option and the beer was good. The pub was quiet but 4 like-minded fellas will always have a good time!
3 days, good friends, lots of craic and plenty trout. Now I need another fix!
In other news, I’ve had a few days guiding – delighted to get them under the circumstances. All very successful days with lots to the net each day. The best result had to be from Angela, who after a casting lesson landed three 5lb browns. That was her first day with a fly rod! Pretty amazing result. Great to see Brian again after his 11lber last season. Also lovely to get out with Sam and Fred again. Last time we fished together Sam broke in 4 big trout. On our recent day she made no mistakes! They both landed some magnificent trout. I know Chuan will be jealous..
Pure Fly NZ has moved off mainstream tv and onto youtube. This makes it very easy to access where ever you are in the world! Myself and Jeff had some super fishing in our episode and Nick was right there to capture it all. You can watch it, and all the other episodes from series 4 for free on youtube. Here’s a link to our episode.
If you’re in NZ and interested in some guided fly fishing, feel free to drop me a line to book a trip before you can’t travel at all!! Visit my website or email
My nymphs have been accounting for nearly all the river fish and some of the lake fish in the gallery below. If you’re thinking about stocking up for the NZ season, these are my tried and trusted range of weighted nymphs. You can check them out here.
Tight lines, Ronan..
Great fun on the lake in September.. Superb mid-range rods. If you’re looking for a versatile rod for NZ, the Primal Raw 7 is a great option. Great conditioned fish and plenty of them. I wasn’t hanging out for October 1! September lake edge cruisers loved my little Claret nymph from Fulling Mill. No skinny fish which early season is often related to. Perfect! Great day guiding Brian. He landed 7 super trout using a range of tactics. September sight fishing.. Have to fill a few gaps here for the new season. A box full of my nymphs available from Fulling Mill. Just put Ronan’s nymphs in the search box. My dads NZ dry. An excellent all round pattern. Ready for battle. There’s a few things I need but this will keep me going! Ready. First fish of the season! Mark and I landed 6. Hard to get good pics because we were wading out! A magnificent opening day. First guide day of the season .. After a casting lesson Angela landed three 5lbers. An amazing result! The nicest of the 3 fives. Out with Samantha and Fred.. A brilliant fish for Sam. Her best of the day. Perfect conditions. 6lbs for Fred. Hooked about a dozen, landed 8 great fish. Reunited with my HT6.. 3 days away with Wesley, Mark and Brayden. Brilliant fishing! The HT6 is the best 6 weight out there.. Another one goes back.. Brayden borrowed my back up HT6. Brayden onto one. End of a great day! Day 2. The best weather day. A brilliant fish in the net. Blind fishing a double nymph rig with the HT6. Years since I fished here. So many great memories. The most beautirul trout live here. 6.5lbs of perfection – and strong! A super moment.. Perfcetion for Wesley. After the backwater we went up river. Some beauties for Wesley. Stunning.. The farther we went the wilder it got! Lovely. Long days already and we were in no rush to turn around. Change flies. Just seeing a river is so satisfying. Popped in to fish this backwater. Got one. Lots of potential. The last pool before the hike out. One last view of the backwater.. What a day.. This lead to quite a headache on day 3! Might be why I got no photos!!