
Posts Tagged ‘Redds’

To fish or not to fish?

May 25th, 2012 No comments

I just spent a couple of days fishing around Glenorchy. Just like Te Anau I found very few fish around river mouths and all the fish in the rivers were in spawning mode. Many fish had redds already formed so I didn’t bother these ones. Even the fish that were on station were not feeding at all. I saw plenty but only hooked and landed one. Not even stripping streamers could inspire a chase. Even though there’s a few days left in the season I wont fish here again. If In knew they were so close to spawning I wouldn’t have bothered them today. It’s time to leave the river and it’s trout alone to propagate the catchment. Saying that I didn’t find any rainbows at all. They spawn later in the year than the browns but they’ll remain unthreatened from me regardless. Maybe they’re still in the lake or farther up the river? or both? Their secret is safe.

I was granted a one year work visa for New Zealand today so it looks like I’ll be sticking around for a while.

Tight lines all… Ronan..

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