Mad Weather and Big Trout!
I compiled this guiding gallery a couple of weeks ago now. Loads has happened since and it’s pushing the contents of this gallery to the side, which of course it shouldn’t because there were some excellent days on the water which I have accounted for here, but I really want to clear the decks now for more recent fishing, which has been superb!
One trip worth a mention was with Andrew. He had 2 days to fish, day one was off the charts landing 6 trout with the biggest hitting the scale at just over 9lbs. That fish took some work. We fished to him for about an hour before I put on one of my fathers unweighted size 14 hares ear nymphs. Andrews first cast with that fly and it was all on! Second biggest was 7lbs. They were all great trout.. Day 2 we blanked bringing us back down to earth. It’s funny how it goes!
It was great to see Brendan and Dave again. They were over for 5 days, Day one was simply magnificent with 11 fish to 7lbs, Day 2 and 3 were also good days but then I got struck down with severe stomach cramps. I gave the lads my truck and some info for their last 2 days. They landed another 9 trout. It took me 5 days in total to come right which included 3 nights in hospital. They were my first sick days in 5 years guiding.
I also took out Micah Adams and his friend Dave. Micah has been involved in fly fishing TV in Australia. We had a very enjoyable day on the water even though it was a pretty hard day. Micah got a 3lber on a dry and Dave landed a super 6lber.
The weather has been nuts. Rain, wind, hail, flooded rivers etc.. I like it when the conditions go to feck. It makes me think outside the box, take gambles, use what I’ve learned over the last 18 years in NZ. I’ll put a trip together for my clients regardless of what mother nature throws at us. I will use every avenue available to me to make it happen. Crazy weather seems to be pretty normal now so if a fella can’t adapt he’s in trouble!
The next blog will be about one of my own greatest moments in fly fishing with a superb old 9lber and The Mighty Chuan landing an 11lber.. Not mouse eating monsters, just bonafide brutes!
I’ll let the photos tell the other stories. Still some availability for this season if you’re thinking about coming over. Visit my website of contact me on
Tight lines & screaming reels for the new year! Ronan..
Day 1 – Andrew off to a great start.. Super.. Small water.. ..with big fish.. ..some very big! After 6 super trout to over 9lbs on day 1 we were brought back down to earth on day 2 with a blank! That’s fishing.. Martina & Jeff.. A baby lapwing (I think!) using stillness as camouflage. It was almost his undoing! Martina crossing the backwater.. Finally! Second last pool of the day. Fish were just not out! Relieved guide and happy angler! Some exploring with Guy.. This stream flows into the lake. I saw 2 in 100m. I’ll be back for further exploration.. Searching the edges. We landed 3, met about 10. Day 1. First fish of the trip for Brendan.. Then an equal PB for Dave with this 6.25lber. Lunch! Brendan’s coffee has become something to look forward to.. In again.. They landed 11.. ..including this brute. The best I’ve seen from the river at 7lbs. Same fish.. Last of the day.. Now a near 2 hour walk out! Well worth it.. Day 2. Evidence of some of my river keeping! That was a 12″ limb. I was only just able to drag it out. Makes this pool fishable where it wasn’t before. Every angler should carry a saw! One on a dry.. This 6lber broke the rod but we had a spare.. A 6lber for Dave too.. 2 fish on day 2. Day 3. Something a bit different. Great action in the morning! But a quiet afternoon. 4 for the day. Matt, Charlotte and Sarah. I had to make a few adjustments to cater for a 14 month old which was no problem! 5 trout for the day and a great experience for all.. Matt had a magic hour after lunch.. Day 1 with Mike and Gauri.. We managed 3 for the day in tough light. A great result! Another super trout.. They wanted clear water, big trout and beautiful scenery.. ..the weather was out of my hands! This is at 4pm.. This was 4.10pm! This was an important trout as it was the only one of the day.. A great ending.. Lovely! Simon out for a day.. 3 for the day. Nothing big but decent fishing.. Gordon. Day 1 was for casting and technique. I chose a venue with lots of smaller trout – lots of targets to practice on! It was a great success! Plenty of these about.. A mixed bag of conditions.. which has been the norm for the passed month. 10 minutes of crazy rain then out comes the sun again.. Day 2. Incredibly spooky trout. we really struggled. 2 eats all day with nothing to the net.. ..then in the last 200m Gordon landed this 7lber. Same fish. And then this 5.25lber. How quickly a day can turn around! The dream finale. The mission for day 2 was to catch one or 2 great fish. Mission accomplished. Flowers. More flowers.. Micah and Dave. Decent conditions. We found a decent number of trout. The lads landed 1 each for the day. A 3lber for Micah and a 6lber for Dave.. A good battle.. ..from a perfect specimen!