Aoife Creane Takes the Piss (Pot), 2018.
In 2015 the Wakatipu Anglers Club asked me to host an event for the club on my home water, Lake Dunstan. I was happy to do it but I wanted to host something a little different, so I came up with a competition for the perpetual Piscatorial Pot. I can’t claim credit for the idea as there is already one on Lough Corrib in Ireland. This year was the 4th year of the competition and its gathering momentum, even if the fishing is always pretty hard! As luck would have it My mother, father and sister were over from Ireland to meet Adaline (and see Iza and I!) so I registered my sister, Aoife and my dad, Joe in the club so that they could take part in the competition. A win for dad would put his name on a Piss Pot in each hemisphere so he was off to the lake with a solid battle plan. The anglers arrived and hit the water, some on the bank and some in various floating devises. I took Aoife out in the pontoon boat where she did her best to rid the lake of lagarosiphon. Chatting to a few anglers during the day it was clear people were struggling to land a trout! The 2017 winner, Wesley Seery was standing on top of a high cliff near O Malleys Bank looking down on the water. I called up to him to hear how was doing, “I lost 4” he said. Then Aoife shouted that she had one. My response was “just drag it in there and I’ll take the weed off” but then the weed jumped! By some miracle she hooked a trout on her first day with a spinning rod. She played it well and directed it safely into my net. “The winner” shouted Wesley.. “Hardly” I thought, “but it’s possible!” Shortly after the wind came up so we went ashore. The pontoon boat struggles in the wind! Aoife and I fished the shore at the 45th parallel for a while before heading back to the house a little early to help with the barbecue. The fishermen started appearing after 5 o clock. “Any joy?” I’d ask, “No” they’d say. More and more arrived but the answer remained the same, “No”. There were still a few good anglers who had not reported in but I could see Aoife’s excitement was getting hard to contain.. The last anglers arrived. No fish! Aoife’s excitement was justified. She had the best catch of the day with one rainbow trout of about 3lbs. So, on her first day fishing she managed to beat some top class anglers to take the Piss Pot, as its affectionately known! Congratulations Aoife! She’s also the first female club member to win any Wakatipu Anglers Club cup. Needless to say everyone was delighted for Aoife and her fantastic achievement. We all celebrated for her even though she was in bed at midnight.. the Irish contingent of the club with Brayden pushed through til 4am.. I just want to say one thing “Conor O Boyle” haha..
I’m way behind on my blog! I can’t possibly add all the photos I’ve set aside for blogging, but I have added a few pics from some guide days since my last blog. The fishing has been really excellent as the pictures below will tell. The Lakes & Still Waters option is getting more popular as it should!! I’ll try to get another blog out very soon to catch up.. I still need to add a few stories about fishing with dad. The story of a 10lb trout I guided a month ago too! Speaking of big fish, I have included a photo of my good friend Robbie Mcphee’s monster Kingfish from a recent trip to Golden Bay at the top of the South Island. The fish measured 110cm and was estimated at 36 – 38 lbs. Surly the biggest landed on fly to date from the fishery. An amazing result which left a few local anglers pretty gobsmacked and envious (I heard!!)!
More to come soon. It’s pretty full on right now with work and family! Aoife just left today but mom and dad are here for another week. Work tomorrow but then dad and I will fish 5 days. Can’t wait for that. The rest of the season is pretty packed but there’s a few spots in early April and most of May is still available. Feel free to drop me a line if you’d like some guided fishing! or check out my website
All the best for now, Ronan..
- Aoife on Lake Dunstan
- Into the winning trout! Not a weed after all!!
- The woman and her fish!
- Some of the club back at the house!
- The craic was good!
- A feast laid on by Iza, with help from my mother!
- Presenting the Piss Pot to my sister, Aoife! what were the odds?? Way out!
- The Wakatipu Anglers club..
- Aoife drinks from the Piss Pot!
- The celebrations got into full flow~
- A great night had by all!
- Conor and Ivan..
- beer..
- ..then cleaning up the leftovers!
- Back in NZ! First fish!!
- First proper fish!
- On the board for 2018!
- Flowers!
- A cancellation because clients didn’t want to fish still water when rivers were flooded – dad and I took advantage and went to a lake. We landed 7 averaging 6lbs. All sighted. Not fun at all!
- 7lbs for dad!
- And one for me..
- Snow capped mountains!
- Taking the hell back shore!
- Mine from double hook-up insanity..
- and dads..
- Contemplating!
- Fishing some flats from the boat..
- Great to fish from and for transport..
- Working the backwaters..
- Great day! We landed 7..
- To the river.. still a little coloured but the fishing was good..
- one of 6!
- This one blind fishing over a specific lie I knew! “a little shorter and to the left” Chomp!
- Walls in the river from the gold dredging days..
- Lovely water!
- Dad blown away by the tiny stream where he just landed a 4lber!
- this was the spot!
- One for me from the dam..
- Robbie and his leviathan!