Harihari Coastal Walkway…
The fishing never stops but writing about it has taken a downturn lately. It’s just been really hard to find the time! Here is a snippet from a recent week on the West Coast..
Iza and I decided on the Harihari Coastal Walk as an activity during our week out west. To be honest, walking for the sake of walking bores me to tears. I walk to get somewhere, to do something, a means to an end. That said, if a walk is really spectacular I can have my arm twisted (or if Iza wants to go).. We gathered up what we needed for the walk and set off to the track. At the beginning of the 2.5 hour loop there was a sign advising safe times to walk to avoid high tide, there was also mention of the Poerua River Mouth. This got me thinking.. We were leaving at the worst possible time to avoid high tide but in my reckoning, the best time to fish the mouth. How could I not bring a rod on this walk? I nipped back to the truck and grabbed the 8wt and minimal tackle. High tide was no problem as the rocks were easy to scramble over and the seas were calm.
On arrival at the mouth a quick glance told me how to fish it. I started up river a little and worked it down with a di5 and a couple of streamers until the surf got uncomfortable. I fished the top of the tide and about an hour of the ebb. The fishing was good! I had one good kahawai and a couple of browns. One was a spectacular golden trout. It’s unusual to catch fish like this from a river mouth but there was a huge tannin stained lagoon flowing in on the opposite bank and I assume that’s where this fish came from. That lagoon would definitely be worth an explore too. I may have to come back. I did check out the river farther upstream but it seemed void of life and extremely flood prone and unstable.
After a great 1.5 hours on a beautiful beach we finished the walk which I actually really enjoyed. Rich in history and very varied with coastline, rivers, native bush and forest, mountain views, great company and of course fishing!
Fella’s, If your passing Hari Hari take her for a beautiful walk and don’t forget the rod!
- Harihari Coastal Walkway…
- The Poerua River Mouth
- Barefoot flyfishing is not something I’ve done very often! Into a kahawai here…
- The perfect walk…
- This magnificent trout took as I was reeling up to finish the session… Took a Dore’s Mr Glister. A great fly in all sorts of water.
- Back he goes into his rich and varied feeding grounds..
- The Poerua River…
- Forest and sea view from the track..
- A colourful shack near the mouth..
- This was a railroad used by loggers in the 1800’s, it now forms part of the track..
- Breandan?? About 15mm in diameter.
- A great camp spot on the Wanganui river bed… apart from the incessant mozzies!
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