I’m just back from a great trip to Ireland and the US with the family. We also visited Sardinia. I squeezed in a couple of days fishing while we were there, but more on all that later. I had most of the work on this blog done before we left about 7 weeks ago but never found the time to finish it. That’s proof of a great holiday. I’ve certainly been chasing my tail a bit in the last year trying to keep the blog as current as I can – I think it’s always like that though. This takes a lot of time and effort and it really get away from me at times. The photos below are from April, May and into June and this brings me up to date with my NZ fishing photos which almost never happens! Next up will be Ireland and Sardinia – possibly in the same blog or maybe broken in 2.
Late in the season I finally got over to Dunedin to fish with Robbie on some of his local water. A very interesting estuary it is. It was very windy when we were there which limited how much of the lagoon we could fish. It’s certainly not for everyone with electric fences right to the water making fishing risky and tricky. Much of it gets very weeded up and it’s certainly “cow shit country” with this area very intensively farmed. Lots of muddy, shitty drains leading straight into the lagoon. It’s amazing to me the level of pollution that goes unchecked in so much of this country. “Clean and green” it’s not but in the face of all this, there is still great fishing to be had both in general and at this lagoon. Some fisheries have died though and the future of fishing here is not certain – but enough about the negative, I just felt the need to mention that! The fishing was hard that day. Between the 2 of us we moved about 5 trout landing just 1. A lovely trout about 4.5lbs on a red and grey fry imitation of mine. We could see in pretty well at times but we sighted very few trout – those we did see had no interest in a bugger. A little nymph would have been better. The best action we had came from blind fishing. We also took a wander down to the rivermouth but didn’t see anything fishy. It was great to see the place and I’m looking forward to going back.
Since I’ve been home there’s been a mixed bag of weather from snowstorms to lovely warm days. We’re slowly getting over the jet lag. It’s harder with kids because we’re awake when they are. I should get a few opportunities to go fishing pretty soon which I’m looking forward to. This time of year can be fantastic! Be sure to get in touch if you’d like to lock in some late winter fishing – many fish have long finished spawning by now and are piling on condition.
If you’d like to check out my flies available on Fulling Mill you can see them here. They accounted for some lovely browns on Lough Corrib in Ireland recently and most of the fish in the pictures below. Here’s a little clip from August a couple of years ago with my Bruiser streamer doing the business..
I’d like to mention that I recently bought some Primal Bold rods for my clients who come without gear. I don’t get too excited about expensive fly rods in general and these rods are testament to why that is. For the money these are excellent. Great rods regardless of price. The 5 is a gem. It does exactly what a 5wt should do. The 6 is also a very capable rod. I have no issues with it at all. The 7 is a powerful weapon – great for launching heavy streamers, windy days, big rivers etc. I highly recommend these as a back-up or as your primary rod. When they’re previously rigged for clients I don’t bother rigging my own rods because these rods are sound.
Next season is filling up fast! January and February are full but there’s still limited spaces in the other months. Contact me on ronan@sexyloops.com or visit my website.
Tight Lines! Ronan..
Off to fish with Robbie on some of his water.An interesting fishery. Hard to access with electric fences everywhere..One trout for the day. Met 3 more.One of my buggers which did the business.Robbie works a nice edge.Fishing over the electric fence.“cow shit country” This draining straight into the lagoon.There’s a strong whitebaiting culture here. This is a purpose built shelter.Another one. No doubting the intensive farming that goes on here. Not sustainable – something has to give.Off to the river mouth..Windy as feck.No sign of any fish but it’s a stunning place.Breakers roll in..Terns.Terns flying into the wind.5, 6 and 7 weight Primal Bold rods. I bought them for as guide rods since my Airflos took a hammering this season. Super rods for the money.The highcountry with Guy.Glass calm!Moving around looking for fishy water..Guy fishes down a likely shore.Then the rain came! Time for shelter and lunch.Pissing down.Nice to be inside looking out!Guy enjoying the rest..Time to get back out there..Guy into a good trout.Best fish of the day!Last cast..Heading home.Back to work! Guiding Dave and Brendan for a few days.Great start for Dave on my dads bugger.Brendan nets one for Dave.Some magic fishing in this little bay.Lovely healthy rainbows.And another one for Brendan.My buggers did well.Fishing around rocks was the key.Another solid bow.The Clutha for a couple of days..The river was rising and getting harder and harder to access. This was the best fish we got.On the 2nd Clutha day the weather was terrible!Dave releases a 2lb brown.Wave after wave of heavy rain.A glimmer of sun and a nice little rainbow.Brendan powers a cast out....to some very fishy water. We got a few here.With every river option in flood we decided to come back up here.We hiked around to fish new water and found fish once again.Great fishing around the rocks.Dave well bent in a trout.Cool hut!I love the highcountry.Lovely.A solid rainbow..My Fulling Mill range of streamers all worked on our second day up here.Brendan traditionally takes one for the smoker. I love this tradition!He also brings some great coffee!Lunch served on the local dinnerware.Back to it.A tank on the Green Machine.Super trout.A likely stream mouth..Such an interesting landscape.Beautiful evening light.The sun sets on the last day of May, seeing the end of the regular season.Lochlan has been decorating my truck.A few for dinner.Quite a contrast.Cold smoked top quality wild trout is hard to beat..Crudo style trout. Simply magnificent!Dangerous..Good craic with lads!Out with Robbie on Dunstan.Lunch on my table which doubles as a raised casting platform once the legs are folded away.On Dunstan with Brayden and Guy.Lunch. Always a highlight of my day.
The lakes and rivers were already too low and warm a month ago when I last wrote. Nothing changed. Just continuing hot weather and warming, shrinking rivers and lakes. It wasn’t the end of the world, but it certainly made me think outside the box for guiding and my own fishing. Lots of rivers and still-waters became unfishable so I travelled to find cooler water. Living in a desert – which this area technically is – means I have to do that at times. I think this has been the longest dry spell I’ve experienced in NZ. It must be about 10 weeks or more since we’ve had any decent rain.
Yesterday afternoon the rain started and continued through the night and only stopped about an hour ago. I think there’s a lot more coming later today. It was cold too, so just what the place needs. The rivers are getting a much needed top-up and cool-down. This might be the beginning of Autumn and I hope it is. It will certainly invigorate the fishing and open many options which haven’t been available for a couple of months.
Fishing has been generally quite hard. Even when searching out cooler water there was still a noticeable shutdown in the afternoons. Some lake flats that usually stay cool were also suffering the effects of the heat. It’s funny that January and February are the most popular months over here with foreign anglers, yet they’re regularly, even usually, the hardest months of the season in many parts of the country.
In spite of the relative hardship in the last couple of months there has also been some magnificent fishing. Large rivers, lower reaches, lakes and mountain streams all provided some super sport.
I’m still playing catch up with my photos – Everything below is from January. It would just be too many to put in the February photos too, but I’ll try to write another blog next week to catch up completely.
I recently got my hands on a Fujifilm XE-3. I’m still learning how to use it well but I think its improved my picture taking. I hope you like the images below. I’m pretty happy with lots of them. It’s a new learning curve which I’m enjoying. The old Lumix point and shoot is now a handy back-up.
Pretty much all the successful flies I’m using at the moment are my own patterns available with Fulling Mill. You can check them out here.
The remainder of the season is full apart from a few gaps in April. Plenty spaces for next season but it’s filling up more quickly than usual. Feel free to get in touch – ronan@sexyloops.com or visit my website.
Tight Lines – Ronan..
Trout flats with Dougal!Some brillliant fish..In again..Reel screamer..A bloodworm fooled this one. The others took my 16 unweighted nymph under a dry.Trout flats. I adore this type of sight fishing.Then to the backcountry for something a bit different.A tank to start the day..Still water fishing at its best..Another spotted stunner..It’s not all about the fish..Manuka flowers.No fish on the warmer shallows, only in the deeper water where the fishing was great. My indicator dry was the fly of choice.Out with Michael for the day..Onto a solid looking trout..Which took my claret nymph.Cool mountain water. So important during a hot summer.Out with mike – a fellow Irishman.It wasn’t easy but mike landed 4 for the day..In again..A stunning fat rainbow..Just shy of 6lbs.Lovely day out this crew!One for Skye....but his daughter did the best! This was her first on fly (over 4lbs)....then this stunning 5lber..A blue-top day!Tom and Heidi.. 2 very hard days of fishing!!!Literally the last cast of day 2 to save us from a second blank day in a row. One of the most welcome fish in 8 seasons of guiding!Out for a day fishing with mike. A lake man from home, we had a great day out.Lake Dunstan never looked so nice.Like saltfly..A good rainbow from the deep on a di7 on one of mikes special buggers.. They are good!!Mike into another..Black and brown, both worked!So fishy!Big, cool water..What a place.. Stunning.. Nice water....and great fishing..The 16 claret again..Really lovely trout.Wild flowers in a wild place.More wild flowers..A strong 5lb rainbow for me on my new straggle nymph.Bryan.More flowers..Big, cold lake!Fishing my brown nymph on a 4 foot dropper over the drop-off.They really don’t get much more perfect!Bryan in again..Another great fish for Bryan..A super 5lb brown.A great day with Phill..He just loved it..Lovely water..Another great fish.Dunstan. Anchoring the boat and releasing a little at a time to cover flats. Very effective.Dunstan Was great in January.Guy enjoying the day out..
The season is hurtling along! Here we are in January already. This can certainly be the hardest month of the regular trout season. Rivers get low and warm. Trout can get extra spooky and sometimes stop feeding in the afternoons. It’s very important to know which rivers to avoid so as to prevent undue stress on trout. Catching a trout in a warm river can easily kill it. With the farmers draining all but the last drop out of the local river it’s basically unfishable due to warming. It’s likely to stay that way for at least a few more weeks, maybe months. I have to turn my attention to cooler rivers and lakes. We need rain to top up and cool down the rivers but there’s none in the forecast. I have a very busy time coming up with some regular clients and I have formulated a good plan – I hope!
On a positive note, the fishing has been very good so far this season. Happy clients and I’ve managed to get out myself a few times. I had a day out on a dam recently with a morning of fishing to rival just about any dry fly fishing I’ve had. Green beetles on the water and trout feeding on them. Not sight fishing, fishing to rises – even better! Spending so much time guiding on the rivers has made me love the lakes even more. That’s what I want on my days off right now and this day really delivered. Engrossing fishing – moving quickly to intercept fish with fast, accurate casts. At least, that was the objective! Putting a fly in front of a tracking trout is so exhilarating – will he take it?? These’s nothing else going through my mind as that fish is hopefully continuing to track towards my fly. I can’t see him. The cast is based on where he’s most likely to be heading based on the previous rise or rises. To see that head come out of the dark water and confidently take my dry… just magic. 5 out of 6 fish that morning took me well into my backing. I play fish hard and I generally only see my backing once or maybe twice a season so this was just unreal. A breeze got up in the afternoon and the rises almost stopped. I wanted to go and check out a bay I like in the wind. I tried to drive there but ended up getting bogged. It was quite an ordeal to get it unstuck but thanks to Don from Wanaka we got it out. Probably took 5 hours all up! Still a great day. I went back for a day since and parts of the lake were very warm. Guy and I found decent fishing in cooler bays but the number of rising trout compared to the number of flies on the surface told me that most fish were already retreating to the deep. It’s too dam hot!
I’ve got another 7 patterns available with Fulling Mill. This makes the range of flies a pretty comprehensive one for NZ. They’ll cover you for just about anything you’re likely to encounter. With willow grubs in full swing on southern rivers and cicadas winding up, there’s a couple of reasons to check out the new patterns. You can see them all here.
The photos below are from December so I’ll have to get another blog out soon to catch up on the more recent stuff. I’m trying not to overload my blog with pictures!!
Still some gaps in April and plenty next season. You can contact me ronan@exyloops.com or visit my website.
Tight lines.. Ronan..
Great day out with David and Sabrina..They both landed a few solid fish..Sabrina on the last cast of the day! Icing on the cake..Time and his brother for a few days..Good craic as always!Wilderness..Cracking fish for Graeme.Tim has one in his sights..A beauty. Tim is a big fan of the HT series. I Think he has them all!Lovely water..Pretty trout..Graeme with his fan club.Bro’sBack to Davids place for food, drink, and craic.Back to business..Graeme releases a nice brown..This for took Tim way into his backing. Incredibly fast and powerful trout.Another beauty for Graeme in the last 100m. The last cast!Out myself for a day..Magnificent fishing..Most beautiful.A fat 5lber on McPhails Blowfly from Fulling Mill. A great general terrestrial pattern.BeetlesI adore this place..Another great trout. Spectacular dry fly action.. and a great day out.. until....bogged.I walked a few ks to get help after 2 hours trying to unbog my truck..No better machine to pull me out..High lift jack to get me out of the ruts first..We drove out together.. Big thanks to Don Lousley for his help!Great couple of days with these 2! Plenty trout to just under 7lbs.Almost 7lbs of magnificent brown trout on my new Straggle Nymph.Christmas dinner starter. Cold smoked trout and trout ceviche.Out for a fish myself..Trusty Claret doing the business.Checking out some new water.Broke my rod in 2 places. This streamside repair sort of worked.Spiky fecker.A day afloat with Guy.The lake is warming up fast..We had okay fishing in cooler bays. This was my first fish on the HT7 – love it.Guy – and a trout for dinner.First on a bugger then a few on dries.Guy with a lovely fish on my Kiwi Dun.Serpent rock. A hull buster!A great day out..Heading back home through the minefield.
The more I fish the high-country dams the more I love them. Like any good fishery they’re not easy. They can be incredibly dour in fact. Many anglers only go up there during high summer in the hope of being there when the cicadas emerge and get blown onto the water. In my experience this rarely actually happens.
When Dad and I used to travel around the South Island every year or so, we would always include the dams. Dad was always over for the month of November. We never had any dry fly action over that time, but it can happen. I was happy walking shoreline stripping buggers and dad liked moving more slowly fishing two of his PT nymphs or buzzers with the figure of 8 retrieve. Both methods worked. For me these dams are blind fisheries. Only during perfect sighting conditions might you sight a fish. Fishing to rising trout is always on the cards with a plethora of terrestrial insects included in the trouts diet, caddis and chironomid too. Whatever is happening, be prepared to blind fish. I think this is why dad and I both love it. Coming from a lakes background in Ireland we had to blind fish – that’s all we did. But as I’ve said many times blind fishing is not chuck and chance. Every cast is considered, we look for something fishy; weeds, structure, drop-offs, points, bays, rocks, shallows etc.
Once you get into the groove of your chosen method you just have to have faith and persist until something tells you otherwise. The reasons I still use my possum / marabou bugger as my go-to blind fishing method is: 1, The trout feed a lot on fry. 2 They feed on Koura and a bugger is a good representation of this too. 3, I can cover a lot of water quickly.4, The trout are very opportunist. I occasionally take a fish for the table. When checking the stomach contents there are usually multiple different food items in there. Commonly, for example, loads of caddis with one fry or loads of corixa with one koura. This tells me that they won’t pass up a bugger! These dams offer trout the largest range of food of any fishery I know. Because of this, my guess is that when the dams appear to be dead, they’re not! The fish just out of our reach for whether it be physical or otherwise.
I fish my bugger on a floating line with a long leader so that I can count it down if I need to. Also, so that if fish start taking dries I can quickly change over. Sometimes in shallow bays I’ll blind fish nymphs instead of a bugger or if its calm I’ll sometimes do the same. If you are lucky enough to be there when the trout are looking up then its simply magic. I’ve only really experienced it once. I was with Justin and Dan from Big Sky Anglers in Montana. Day 7 of 7 – the dream finale!
On a personal level, fishing these dams are very similar to fishing Corrib or Mask back home. The dark water, the wind, the rocks, the drift if I’m in a boat, the sounds and smells, the blind fishing aspect, the memories. Without doubt this is a huge part of the reason I love fishing them. The common methods are very similar indeed – nymphing (PTs, caddis or buzzers), dries (sometimes 2 or even 3 dries), Wets – I strip buggers instead of wets but these are fisheries where lough style can and does work. Another thing I love on some of the dams is the quality of the browns. They can be some of the most beautiful on the planet. Every time I hook one I get excited to see what he / she looks like. I guess finally, they’re all just stunning places to spend a day. They’re all quite similar but with their own characteristics. I never go up there expecting to catch lots, they can always kick my arse. I’m happy if I get a fish or 2 and I’ll work hard to get them.
Bob has been on here many times over the years, so if you’re a regular reader you’ll know he’s my oldest friend in NZ, not because of his age, he’s the person I’ve known here right from the start. We try to catch up for a fish a few times a season and for the past 4 years we always fish for his birthday. He jokes that he must catch a fish to make it to his next birthday. We got the Birthday fish on day one at the very end of the day. It was tough – fish just not responding but we did it in the end with a lovely 5lb brown. Day 2 we went to the dams. I did well with my P/M bugger. Bob stuck with his dries hoping for that magic take which never came. Guy was with us too. My second oldest friend in NZ. Bob introduced me to Guy, so I love it when the 3 of us catch up. It’s becoming tradition now that Guy joins us for day 2 of Bob’s birthday fishing expedition. Happy Birthday, Bob! Looking forward to the next one.
I’ve been reasonably busy at times with guiding thank feck. Happy clients, plenty trout. There’s a few bookings coming in but please do get in touch if you’d like to set up a trip or if you have any questions. ronan@sexyloops.com or visit my website.
Here is a link to my nymph patterns available at Fulling Mill. They’ve been doing great this season! Also getting some great feedback which is always nice to hear. I have one box of my own patterns from Fulling Mill, and they cover me for pretty much all my river nymphing needs.
Tight lines, Ronan..
Out with the family.
Trying to catch a fish with Adalines rod! I like this new look.. Barbie chair / pink rod / trolling!
Off to a high country lake..
Almost there.
A clue!
..which paid off..
Mixed weather.
Tom on the shore.
Another brilliant fish.
Off to the Maniototo for a day. Just me.
Went very quiet after 12 noon but I had some continued action in backwaters.
Landed 13 but nothing over 4.5lbs. I was hoping for a big fella!
Off to the highcountry again.
This time with Shotgun Kevin and Tassie Sean.
Off to an island with the rowboat.
Beautiful place to fish.
My best of 2 for the day. Sean and Kevin also caught fish.
So much like fishing Corrib.
The row back across into the wind was a bitch!
No trailer, no roof rack, no problem!
The start of 3 great guide days with James and Bill.
Day one – small water.
Pretty good action with rainbows.
Healthy, very strong fish. Makes them hard to handle early in the fight.
James in again. 3 for the day between them.
Super fish.
Day 2. Looking for a big brown in the backcountry.
After a slow morning, Bill livened things up with a lovely seatrout.
Took a dry 3 times, third time lucky (for Bill!).
Great brown for James.
This superb hen moved a few feet to intercept Bills blowfly. A truely great fish. 7.25lbs.
Back she goes..
James into another.. The action got better and better as the day progressed.
Day 3. Off the mark with the bridge fish.
A super 5.5 for James.
Bill takes aim.
We had to chase this fish around the pool. James did well to make him see his fly. Up he came and took the dry. Well fished.
Bill into a large brown which got away.. Really enjoyed the craic with James and Bill. Looking forward to next time!
Adaline and Lochlan. They both love the water!
Looking for fish!
Adaline and I with my recent endevour – trout paintings! More on this later but feel free to get in touch if you’d like one.
2 days with Matt and Cami. Cami is 11 and just starting her fly fishing life.
Beautiful wee brown.
Leisurly fishing..
By the end of day 2 she was throwing a great line. Unfortunately the trout were not on that day. Matt got one good fish.
My flies available at Fulling mill. Still doing the business. I need to stock up with my own patterns.
My hotspot nymph.
Great day out with Bryan. Lots of fish!
Trout habitat!
Last pool of the day. This fish took my size 16 claret nymph.
Bobs birthday again! Our mission is to catch a trout – preferably on a dry.
The fishing was very very tough..
..but there’s always booze..
last ditch attempt..
go to a different stillwater. It was very low and slimy but we could sight it in the cloud. We found one good fish..
..which Bob got!
A lovely 5lb brown.
Day 2 – to the highcountry. Bob fished dries all day.
I fished my possum / marabou bugger. Moved 7, landed 3 for the day.
Sometimes they’re simply magnificent.
Nice tail!
My streamers. Simple and incredibly good!
Best of the day and my personal best off the lake at 7lbs.
Guy found this boat, engine and trailer for sale in the local paper. It was an absolute bargain so he wasted no time and went over with enough cash to secure the deal. Guy has a boat already so this was surplus to requirement but he knew I’d love it. When he said to come over and get it I was not expecting such a stunning boat in such great condition. I was blown away. This boat is the beginning of an exciting new chapter. Family holidays will be much more adventurous with this in tow. She will also open up opportunities for exploring NZ lakes. Watch this space! I’ll pick up the engine soon and she’ll be good to go. Hopefully I’ll have the whole crew out for he maiden voyage. I can’t thank Guy enough for making this happen.
The boat, which has no name yet, is fibreglass over ply and solid timber. It looks extremely well built. It was a sailboat but has been converted to carry an outboard instead of sails, which suits me. I’ve had a checkered past with sailboats.
Plenty spaces available for the coming season. If you’re living in NZ and have been thinking about some guided fly fishing this is the season to maximise on it. Feel free to get in touch to chat about what I can do for you. Contact me via my website or at ronan@sexyloops.com
Tight lines, Ronan..
He she is!
very wide giving plenty space inside.
The winch on the 80 was handy for removing some trees to make a space for the boat.
Adaline loves it. Already refers to it as “my boat”.
I’ve know Bob since my first visit to NZ in 2002, I actually met him a year or two before at his home in the US. He cooked dinner for us. A New York Strip I recall. A very memorable steak! Bob is now 82. My annual brief is to help him catch a trout on his birthday or he jokingly (I hope) reckons he wont be around for his next birthday. No pressure or anything!! To relieve some of the pressure we have 2 days to catch the fish because it’s still his birthday in the US the following day. To add a little pressure the trout must be caught on a dry. We’ve succeeded in our quest for the last 3 years and I hope we can keep it going for another 23! This year we had one heli day into a beautiful wilderness river and a day with our mutual friend Camo Guy in his boat. Both days we were successful on dries and the weather was great – unlike last year. Cheers Bob! Bring on the next one..
I remember fishing with Alun earlier in the season. We were having a good day. Fish were out and Alun was doing well. We got to a spot where we could see a fish on station. He wasn’t doing much but he was moving to eat now and again. Alun covered him a few times. He looked at the dry once but surprisingly never moved to the nymph. After a number of casts Alun gave me the rod to have a go. I sent in a cast and the trout moved right up to take the dry but refused last moment.. my dry / nymph continued to drift. As I was about to take it out to recast, 2 fish cruised up from a dark, deep pool below. I left my flies drifting.. they perfectly intercepted one of them which ate my nymph and I landed a lovely 5lb seatrout. A bonus, lucky fish. I was not complaining. After this I gave Alun back his rod and he had another cast to the original fish. Up he came and nailed the dry! A nice scenario from a great season.
The weather for this entire level 4 lockdown period has been flippin unbelievable. Blue skies and light wind just about every day. There is a chance we’ll drop back to level 3 in a week, in which case fishing will be allowed again. Personally I don’t think we should rush to level 3 but if we do drop back I’ll certainly be making the most of the last few days of the brown trout season. If not, there’s plenty fishing in winter whenever we do get to level 3, some of the best of the year actually. I’m missing the water, thats for sure, but I’m happy to wait for the greater good – not that I can harm myself or anybody else by fishing alone but that’s not the point..
Some nice images below from the season pre-lockdown. I hope you all enjoy them.. Also a link to a short film by a mutual client of myself and Jeff Forsee. It’s from a recent trip with his friend Matt. Thanks Pat! Here it is..
Let me know if you’d like to book a trip next season. No deposit necessary until the travel ban is lifted. Visit my website or email me ronan@sexyloops.com
Tight Lines, Ronan..
Bob into one of his birthday fish.
Guy into one!
Bob again..
Guy Hague and Bob Toffler. The 2 people I’ve known the longest in NZ. Great friends!
Bob knows how to play a trout.. Success! Birthday trout on a dry. This is actually day 1. WordPress selected all the pics in reverse and I cant fix it. I could in the past. WordPress is shit.
Giving him stick!
Bob and Carole.
Carole into one from “the pool”. Sadly some pools were removed by the recent floods.
Super water..
Nice way to travel!
Adam with one of the best rainbows of the season..
Great 2 days with Alun!
Lovely, clean fish. No marks..
Alun nets a fish for me!
One for me! One of only a few seatrout of the season.
Another great fish for Alun. 5 for the day.
Trout face!
Nice stream. This was day 1 with Alun. Just one for the day!
Walking home.
Out with Ron and Joe. The river warmed up at noon and the fish totally shut down.
A day out myself with my Sexyloops HT4. Some rod!
Some craic with these fellas! Fitz and Biggsy. Prout FARTs.
The thunder rolled but the fishing was okay!
The spotting rock..
A fine fish for Fitz.
Small stream nymphing..
Spectacular markings!
Some of the best red spots I’ve seen..
Early morning.
Not a breath of wind..
One cruising the edge..
Which Biggsy got..
Off to the high country.
Biggsy works some deeper water..
Not a great shot but this fish went 7lbs. A trophy for this lake. The biggest I’ve seen of it to date.
Back he goes. You can get a better appreciation of his condition here.
Unusual markings for this lake. Usually they’re much more golden.
Trout food.
I kept a nice 3lber to cold smoke.
I had a super couple of days with Robbie. Plenty good fish.
A bright Rainbow.
I think we got 6 for the day. This was one of the best. Day 2 included a 6lb brown and a 7lb seatrout. No pics unfortunately.
My fly tying assistant!
2 great days with Philip.
These are some of the prettiest fish in the world!
Colour and condition.
I love this place..
Day 2. We lost 6 before landing this cracker over 6lbs.
A day with Maureen and David. The river blew out over night so we fished a lake. One for the day but a real beauty..
I compiled this guiding gallery a couple of weeks ago now. Loads has happened since and it’s pushing the contents of this gallery to the side, which of course it shouldn’t because there were some excellent days on the water which I have accounted for here, but I really want to clear the decks now for more recent fishing, which has been superb!
One trip worth a mention was with Andrew. He had 2 days to fish, day one was off the charts landing 6 trout with the biggest hitting the scale at just over 9lbs. That fish took some work. We fished to him for about an hour before I put on one of my fathers unweighted size 14 hares ear nymphs. Andrews first cast with that fly and it was all on! Second biggest was 7lbs. They were all great trout.. Day 2 we blanked bringing us back down to earth. It’s funny how it goes!
It was great to see Brendan and Dave again. They were over for 5 days, Day one was simply magnificent with 11 fish to 7lbs, Day 2 and 3 were also good days but then I got struck down with severe stomach cramps. I gave the lads my truck and some info for their last 2 days. They landed another 9 trout. It took me 5 days in total to come right which included 3 nights in hospital. They were my first sick days in 5 years guiding.
I also took out Micah Adams and his friend Dave. Micah has been involved in fly fishing TV in Australia. We had a very enjoyable day on the water even though it was a pretty hard day. Micah got a 3lber on a dry and Dave landed a super 6lber.
The weather has been nuts. Rain, wind, hail, flooded rivers etc.. I like it when the conditions go to feck. It makes me think outside the box, take gambles, use what I’ve learned over the last 18 years in NZ. I’ll put a trip together for my clients regardless of what mother nature throws at us. I will use every avenue available to me to make it happen. Crazy weather seems to be pretty normal now so if a fella can’t adapt he’s in trouble!
The next blog will be about one of my own greatest moments in fly fishing with a superb old 9lber and The Mighty Chuan landing an 11lber.. Not mouse eating monsters, just bonafide brutes!
I’ll let the photos tell the other stories. Still some availability for this season if you’re thinking about coming over. Visit my website of contact me on ronan@sexyloops.com
Tight lines & screaming reels for the new year! Ronan..
Day 1 – Andrew off to a great start..
Small water..
..with big fish..
..some very big! After 6 super trout to over 9lbs on day 1 we were brought back down to earth on day 2 with a blank! That’s fishing..
Martina & Jeff..
A baby lapwing (I think!) using stillness as camouflage. It was almost his undoing!
Martina crossing the backwater..
Finally! Second last pool of the day. Fish were just not out!
Relieved guide and happy angler!
Some exploring with Guy..
This stream flows into the lake. I saw 2 in 100m. I’ll be back for further exploration..
Searching the edges. We landed 3, met about 10.
Day 1. First fish of the trip for Brendan..
Then an equal PB for Dave with this 6.25lber.
Lunch! Brendan’s coffee has become something to look forward to..
In again.. They landed 11..
..including this brute. The best I’ve seen from the river at 7lbs.
Same fish..
Last of the day.. Now a near 2 hour walk out! Well worth it..
Day 2. Evidence of some of my river keeping! That was a 12″ limb. I was only just able to drag it out. Makes this pool fishable where it wasn’t before. Every angler should carry a saw!
One on a dry..
This 6lber broke the rod but we had a spare..
A 6lber for Dave too..
2 fish on day 2.
Day 3. Something a bit different.
Great action in the morning!
But a quiet afternoon. 4 for the day.
Matt, Charlotte and Sarah. I had to make a few adjustments to cater for a 14 month old which was no problem! 5 trout for the day and a great experience for all..
Matt had a magic hour after lunch..
Day 1 with Mike and Gauri..
We managed 3 for the day in tough light. A great result!
Another super trout..
They wanted clear water, big trout and beautiful scenery..
..the weather was out of my hands!
This is at 4pm..
This was 4.10pm! This was an important trout as it was the only one of the day..
A great ending..
Simon out for a day..
3 for the day. Nothing big but decent fishing..
Gordon. Day 1 was for casting and technique. I chose a venue with lots of smaller trout – lots of targets to practice on!
It was a great success!
Plenty of these about..
A mixed bag of conditions.. which has been the norm for the passed month.
10 minutes of crazy rain then out comes the sun again..
Day 2. Incredibly spooky trout. we really struggled. 2 eats all day with nothing to the net..
..then in the last 200m Gordon landed this 7lber.
Same fish.
And then this 5.25lber.
How quickly a day can turn around! The dream finale. The mission for day 2 was to catch one or 2 great fish. Mission accomplished.
More flowers..
Micah and Dave.
Decent conditions.
We found a decent number of trout. The lads landed 1 each for the day. A 3lber for Micah and a 6lber for Dave..
My main observation over the last month was during a time when a cold southerly came through putting an end to the cicada and shutting the fish down. Fishing got very hard. As anglers some of us need a reason as to why the fishing gets hard but we can only speculate. It seemed as if when the cicadas stopped floating down the rivers that fish didn’t know what to do so they did nothing. Maybe they were waiting for their next source of food to become mainstream? Maybe it was a drop in barometric pressure? A sudden fall in water temperature? Maybe a little of each? All rational, human conclusions. The truth is that (in my opinion) it’s possible, even likely that it was none of these. Something we’ll never know. All I know is that fishing got very hard for over a week. As a guide this is tough. I hate saying “you should have been here last week” so I try not to. Thankfully, most anglers understand that hard fishing is always on the cards and that it’s rarely easy.
Just as interesting was watching it all turn on again. Over a couple of days the fishing went from the toughest all season to some of the easiest! A word that is rarely thrown into fly fishing for trout but feck it, at times it was easy! Fish wanted to eat and they would travel to eat a fly. They weren’t particularly spooky, just eager. This is what anglers dream about. The rare time when trout drop their guard and go on the prowl. It has been great fun watching it happen. A pleasure watching anglers in their element and having a blast. That’s what its all about. Five recent guide days went above 15 fish for the day. During the difficult spell, 1 per day was pretty much the norm. Chalk and cheese!
The story of the progression from bad to great is well told in the photo’s below. They begin when the going was tough!
Here is a link to a short film I made from a nice moment during 2 days in a relentless gorge..
St Patricks Weekend coincided with the annual Piscatorial Pot fishing competition. I run it for the Wakatipu Anglers Club on Lake Dunstan. It seems to be growing in popularity in the club circle. I think this is more to do with what comes after the fishing day, which is Iza’s cooking! We also have a few drinks and the craic is always great. We didn’t quite push through til dawn this year but close! A big thank you to Iza, Ivy and Mike for all their help.. If it wasn’t for them it would have been a sausage sizzle!
The fishing for the last 4 years has been hard for the competitors. The winner is the angler with the most fish over 350mm. Usually one or 2 trout wins it. This competition was different. Anglers were catching fish! I think we had about 18 fishing with a total of about 12 trout landed. I got out for an hour to see how things were going and to try to catch a fish (I didn’t). I saw Conor and Jakub (IRE, CZ) catching some fish from the boat. I was delighted to see this. Wesley Snipes (IRE) had 2 fish, Simon (CH) had one.. Some real competition.. Camo-Guy (ENG) disappeared down the west shore for the day. When I met him in the evening he told me about some great fishing. Not big fish but he landed 4 between 360mm and 410mm on a black bugger. To add a bit of competition to the competition, the winning anglers nationality also goes on the cup. So far its two for NZ, two for Ireland and now, thanks to Guy, one for England. Guy is one of my oldest friends here in NZ so it really was a great pleasure to present him with the cup – even on St Patricks Day!! Congratulations Guy!
Thanks to Manic Tackle Project for sending down a couple of t-shirts and caps to spice up the prizes!
I have about 15 days available in April, and a few this week. Flick me an email if you’d like to get out for a trip.. ronan@sexyloops.com or visit my website.
Tight Lines, Ronan..
Conor and Jakub out fishing for the coveted Piss Pot..
One for Jakub.. The lads did well landing 3 but they lost 3 too..
Iza, Ivy, Mike and myself were home all day preparing food for 30! 26 confirmed so we needed a little extra just in case.. There was nothing left!
My little fishing buddy..
“Grubs up”
It was my pleasure to present the Piscatorial Pot 2019 to my good friend Guy Hague. A win for England on Paddies weekend! 😀
Conor O Boyle drinks from the Piss Pot..
A few of us almost pushed through til dawn.. The Piss Pot is gathering momentum!
Biggsy and Fitz joined me for 2 days when the going was tough.. One each day for Biggsy while Fitz blanked. He was on a bad luck streak during the toughest fishing of the season. A bad combo!
Karearea. The seem to be pretty common. Beautiful, native birds.
Nice view from their perch..
..nice view down into the pool from my perch too. I was spotting for the lads below.
Another for Biggsy..
Fitz almost finished with a very big fish.. but nearly never bulled the cow!
Day 1 with Tim.. He wanted adventure!
A lovely fish early in the day..
The low water was warm and brown. I was expecting clearer water.
8kms of gorge. Fitness essential.
Mountain goat country..
..with history..
..and goats!
Another great fish to end the day!
Day 2. Backcountry lake. This is on of my favourite fish pics this season! I love the dorsal standing proud. Tim couldn’t reach the fish so rather than loose the shot he gave it to me!
We ended up with 4. This 6.25 was the best..
.. on Badgers beetle!
Day 3 and 4. Wilderness gorge camp-out.
Magic place but the fishing was brutally hard!
We saw fresh prints so finished earlier than ususl to pick up the following day. No point fishing behind someone. Turned out they were hunters.
Dinner time! Adalines bottle made a good salt container!
Steak and spuds.. my favourite!
Day 2. Back at it.
Unrelenting gorge! I love it..
A nice pool..
..then back to clambering!
2 days with Craig.. Lots of fish in there..
.. we got one! With a long 3x leader and a super heavy nymph to get to the bottom. If your going to catch one fish in 2 days, make it a good one!
Happy at a great camp spot..
I had a magic week with Marcus and Jappy. Thankfully the slump in the fishing ended with a bang! Apart from day 1 where we only got 1!!
Lost this!
Last pool..
First cast, Day 2!
Marcus with no legs..
The fishing was superb..
We caught the end of the cicada..
Everything was perfect! Sun, clear water, fish eating dries and lots of them!
Fresh from the sea..
Stunning fish.. stunning place..
One for me! Thank you!!
There has to be a fish there..
The brown rocks were excellent.. Brown from slime which means stability and food!
Love this pic!!
A pool with enough mass and structure to spend hours on..
A tank for Marcus..
An old beech tree..
Crystal clear..
Day 3. This time we fly!
Lots of sandflies at this location.. but who cares!
A fella pack-rafting out..
Petrified wood?
This is weird too..
Brown rocks equals fish!
And they got plenty..
Last fish not long before the chopper comes back for us..
Time to leave the coast.. We had a full on 3 days before the weather broke. First time this season I managed to get a break in the weather for long enough to make a trip worthwhile.
Something completely different.. No slow fishing anymore. 8 for the day! Mostly on small dries.
A nice gutter which was home to a happily feeding fish..
..he took some work but we got him.
They kept coming..
..all super fish!
Happy Jappy! (sorry!)
Day 5. Totally different water but still plenty fish. 12 for the day.
Waiting for a rise..
Some lovely fish, a little smaller average.
This old war-dog had a great orange spot on his face..
..very unusual..
Another great day..
Day 6. Rain!
Nothing would keep these fellas off the water!
They landed 3. Things went quiet as the river started to rise..
Day 7. Dream start!
Water dropping and clearing, perfect for streamer fishing..
They landed 4 for the day and about 60 for the week. These fellas can fish, which helps!
2 days with Kim!
A lovely Southland river..
We had amazing fishing for the 2 days. An unweighted PT a foot under the dry did the trick.
Non stop action each day..
Stunning trout..
Low water suits this stretch.
Great craic with Kim! He fell in 4 times but it never dampened his spirit!
Fish rising as far as the eye can see..
Fishing with Wesley. We decided to try to divert the flow back to the “proper” braid..
We were pretty successful! Like kids..
And we caught 9 trout!
Nice sight fishing in riffles.
Southland with Bryan and Tim. No joy on day 1.
But hit a home run on day 2!
Plenty of these..
One man up high sighting for the other.. usually my job!
Trout skin.
A day catching up and catching fish with Jeff and Kenai..
August has been superb! Not long after arriving back in NZ from Ireland, I joined Robbie, Tom and Jeremy for a couple of days on Lake Benmore. I went and got the Wakatipu Anglers Club boat to give us some options around the lake. After the couple of days with the lads I held on to the boat since nobody was using it. It has been fantastic! Pretty much all the lakes are fishing well, some very well! Catching up with friends has been as good as the fishing. The weather has been very settled, warm and sunny with very little wind. Ideal fishing conditions, although at times a little more wind would have been an advantage to make the boat drift.
There are a few rivers open in this area, but August around here is best on the lakes. Brown trout are well and truly finished spawning and are back in the lakes trying to regain condition. They also haven’t seen an angler for a while so this combination makes them very keen to eat a fly – any fly! Fish on Lake Dunstan have been happy to eat small streamers even in the flat calm on 3x. A few more weeks and this simply wont work unless the wind is blowing. It’s fun out there. I’ve fished it 3 days from the boat averaging 8 per day. Benmore was a little slower but it will be improving daily as fish continue to drop back to the lake. Hawea didn’t really fish for Guy and I. It certainly did 6 years ago but such is fishing.. I’d been dying to get back there ever since 4 super weekends in a row in August 2012. Everything was the same; lake level, wind, conditions, Â just no fish! This is how it was –Â Hawea 2012
The West Coast has eluded me since Jeff, Nick and myself filmed our episode for the second series of Pure Fly New Zealand. Mark and I went over for a couple of days recently. The main thing I wanted to do was the river mouths. The last week in August is when you have the most amount of whitebait running with the least amount whitebaiters chasing them! Therefor you have the place to yourself. I have hit some excellent fishing during this week in the past, but it was very quiet for us. The tides worked out well. On day 1 we arrived there in the morning an hour before high tide and fished for 2 hours. I got one small fish. The top and bottom of the tide are usually the best so we left the river mouth and fished the lower reaches of a river for a few hours. On the coast many rivers are open year round from the main highway bridge to the sea. This was good! I met 5 and landed one well conditioned, buttery brown. Then back to a different river mouth for low tide. I got 1 and touched a few more. The river mouths are a pretty gruelling fishery. They require dogged persistence and confidence.
Day 2 we took on a lake. It started slow but the fishing just got better and better. Boat and bank. Sight fishing to cruisers and blind stripping buggers on intermediates got the fish. Shitloads of them!
I’m not sure what fishing is on the cards next! September is here and I’ll be making the most of it. The lakes will only get better…
Tight Lines All!!
For bookings and information on guided fly fishing for the coming season, contact me ronan@sexyloops.com or visit my website Ronan’s Fly Fishing Missions
Just back from Ireland and these fellas were going fishing! I wanted in!!
The seat t the engine was always way too low. Not anymore!
Jeremy and I used the boat to explore some new water..
..it was good!
Most of our fishing was from the bank but the boat worked too.. for Jeremy anyway!
heading in after day 1. 10 fish for 4 anglers..
Day 2. A cold start!
It took a while to find fish but once we did the fishing was good.
Robbie into one..
A fatty.
One from the pumphouse..
11 trout for day 2. Not bad for early August!
Tom got himself an 80 series.. Like new! I’m a little envious!
Dunstan for the day.. Beautiful morning!
A great start.. and they kept coming..
Land based for a while.. Sean releases one..
Into another..
Back he goes..
Some super quality trout about!
This was the bugger of choice..
..some bling in this one..
..black with hot spot..
brown with hot spot.. The trout didn’t care which one swam past!
This is a lovely time of year.. Light wind and settled weather.
My favourite way to eat trout! ..
..crumbed and fried.
This time 5 years ago I had some amazing fishing on Hawea.. it was time to go back!.. Great comfort on my new seat!
Myself and Guy took it on..
A spectacular place to be..
Fishing the deep..
One fish for the day!
Home time..
Pull the boat out and heading home..
Lake Hawea at The Neck..
It’s been a while!! The West Coast!
The weekend before whitebaiters turn up can be fantastic.
Always keeping one eye on the swell..
..this was the only action for the morning session.. High tide.
During the falling tide we hit a river from the bridge to the sea – open year round.
Mark works some likely structure..
after hitting 4 others I was happy to stick a fly in this one!
A different river mouth for low tide.. One lean trout and bent the rod in a few more.
We fished til dark..
West Coast.. Day 2. A lake!
After a slow start we abandoned the boat for the bank..
I can’t believe almost a month has passed since my last blog! Time is flying by. It’s been a great month! June is a good time for me to take on some woodworking projects. I started one last June and finished it this June. A writing desk for Iza, but it just might become a fly tying bench for me!! The boat has also taken some of my time but I have not made as much progress as expected. It’s ready for fibreglassing now. Lots of painting preparation has been done and some timber work since my last blog. The engine arrived. It has certainly had a previous life or two in salt water but hopefully she’ll fair us well. There’s lots still to do, but once the fibreglass work is done progress will begin again in earnest.
Yesterday Brayden and myself hit the water for a float. I have done very little fishing in the last month, only 3 or 4 pretty poor days, so it was really great to get out for a solid mission. The day started with a 6.5lber and the action continued all day. Blind and sight fishing accounted for fish with streamers, eggs and nymphs. To my delight, about half of the 14 fish we landed were silver fresh run fish.
Early in the day while afloat we heard a rumble. Like thunder but not quite. By the time my brain figured out “earthquake” we could feel the pulses coming through the water and the boat. We wondered how this might affect the fishing. It didn’t.. They continued to confidently eat our flies. We did find one fish flopping around on the bank. He had tried to navigate up the skinniest piece of water imaginable and beached himself, maybe due to the earthquake. He was going nowhere! It was his lucky day. I picked him up off the didymo (which cushioned him as he flopped around) and brought him to the main river. He took off, relieved no doubt! We noticed some sign of gravel and mud broken away from the banks as we drifted down river. We also witnessed some mini avalanches. An interesting dynamic to add to a days fishing!
I’m off out now to practice my shots for snakehead! I’ll be in Malaysia with Paul in less than 2 weeks. Can’t feckin wait!
Tight Lines..
If you’d like to book me as your fly fishing guide in NZ next season, check out my website http://www.ronansflyfishingmissions.com or email me ronan@sexyloops.comÂ
I decided to take out the seats to give the ply a proper chance to dry.
Seats out. Next is to remove all the fibreglass and clean up the steel. (It’s done!)
Builders fill is very strong a durable; great for blending the old with the new!
This router cutter to match existing rounded features in the boat.
this is the profile before sanding.
Plenty days out in the sun to dry it out well before fibreglassing.
Filling holes and imperfections; painting preparation!
A recent trip to Benmore with Paul Macandrew, Trevor Bourne, Dave and Santillan.
A freezing cold day! The fishing was terrible! 5 anglers – 0 fish.
Paul Macandrew, a top local guide and bloody good bloke!
Time to pick up the lads..
..and go to the pub!
Off to the canals with Guy!
Stunning evening..
..we fished well into darkness. I had one take and this was it. A 12lb salmon (photo does it no justice!)
Early morning..
Guy beside his camper. We only managed the one fish for our 1.5 days.
Some thoughtful vandalism!
A recent float with Brayden from H&F Cromwell..
First fish of the day on a sculpin head streamer fished deep in a backwater. Great moment!
Brayden into one not long after..
Almost there..
Nice brown..
A braid to check out..
Heavy rain and a 4.4 earthquake but the fish kept taking! Plenty fresh fish moving up still..
After a long fruitless walk up a side braid, Brayden overheated!
We landed a few here..
Almost ashore..
A healthy rainbow as Brayden cools down!
About to get back on the boat when we spotted a migrating fish.. A quick intercepting cast got the desired result!
A fresh, energetic bar of silver!
A likely spot..
Wide water!
Failing light when we hit a hotspot! Brayden lost a cracker here.. around the 7lb mark..
Finally I got my SLHT fixed, it’s been out of action for a while. Here Brayden is giving it a work out..
Hot Torpedo with a Harfin reel.. a perfect combination.
Small but healthy..
Plenty snow on the mountains.
June is a time for me to indulge in another practice of mine. I made this writing desk for Iza out of recycled timber, mostly pallets and an old fence. I think it might become my fly tying bench!