10.5lb Trout.. Yes!
It takes at least 300 days to catch a trout over 10lbs. At least it does if you fish like me. I don’t target them all the time of course, just when the mood hits me. It’s all about the fish, not the fishing so it really is mood dependant. Every one has been a super high. The emotions and feelings have been a bit different for each one. Some have been strangely anticlimactic (but still great!) while most have been utterly fulfilling, thrilling experiences. There are a few big fish around this year. Jeff Forsee and Paul MacAndrew have also cracked a double already this season. Some mousy stuff happening too so this might be a year to spend more time chasing the elusive doubles. Lets see how it pans out as the season progresses..
I haven’t guided many days so far but the days I’ve been out have been superb! Plenty fish, super quality and big! Between guiding and fishing I’ve had 4 over 8lbs to the net. It’s been a pretty wet spring. Some rivers had just come right and were fishing really well but recent rain has put them all out of commission again. They should bounce back quickly as long as the rain eases off. Come what may I’m excited about the season ahead..
A few days ago I took out Oliver and James. Oliver had never cast a fly before so we had a 1 hour casting lesson before advancing up river. It was enough to get him throwing a decent line and he managed 3 for the day. A great achievement for someone fresh out of the gate!
My season is starting to fill up but I have plenty spots available for the season to come. Contact me ronan@sexyloops.com or visit my website.
Tight Lines, Ronan..
Only my 8th NZ trout over 10lbs since 2002. I had my first in 2008. River keeping is always on the cards. A great start on a new river.. Bryan casts to a rising trout.. We had a super hatch.. What a trout! Just beautiful.. Lovely small water.. The bridge fish! This on the way back down. Bonus fish! First trout for Oliver after a one hour casting lesson.. A memorable moment.. James into a solid trout.. ..very solid! Over 6lbs. Number 3 for Oliver.. Over 5lbs.. The lads had a suoer day landing 7. Biggsy! He just loves it.. 3 trout for day one on a cold, wet day. The rain coloured the river for day 2.. But it didn’t matter! A super 6lber.. ..followed by a 7lber from the same run. A new PB. Stunning.. Lovely place to be.. One for me. The 4th time I’ve seen this old battle axe. He’s been the same weight for the last 5 years. No stranger to big trout! Robbie with another brute.. Rescuing a lamb.. A regular activity! Roger with a great trout.. and another.. Tough conditions with 60kph N wind but we got just enough protection from the willows. Roger and Herb. They really wanted the streamer in the morning but not the afternoon.. A feisty bow.. Mixed conditions but a great day.. One more quick look before he goes back!