Flood Damage!
The river became fishable for the first time in 2 months. It was a gamble to go there but I took a chance on it because last years floods were bigger and did no damage. The difference with this years floods is that they’ve been so prolonged. At first glance the river looked okay so we walked an hour downstream to fish back. On arrival the river looked different. Straightened, pools and islands gone. I said to Philip that I thought I had made a mistake. Trout are very resilient to flooding but when a river changes course then fish have to be displaced. Where they end up is anyones guess. We saw a fish in the second pool which Philip hooked, raising our spirits. Then nothing. The river was unrecognisable. One of the best pools on the river had been all but destroyed. There was a small section that remained unchanged and in there were 2 or 3 trout which quickly spooked. We saw one other in the beat. We were through the whole section in a few hours and then retreated to plan B. A tributary which I hoped would not have been so badly affected by the floods. We saw a fish at the bridge which we didn’t get. Then not far up we saw another which we did get on a small nymph. There was another beside him so things were looking good but the river was obviously ravaged by floods. Uprooted trees strewn over vast areas of river plain. After a positive start the damage became more and more apparent and we saw no more fish. I was almost ready to pull the pin but thought we’d go another bit. I was looking for a great pool. Very stable so I expected it would still be there. It wasn’t! Blown out totally. We marched on, not keen on giving up just yet as stubbornness kicked in. One great pool that I had forgotten about was unchanged and we sighted 2 fish in it. If Philip hooked one, he was going to spook the other so we had to pick one. Philip got into position for the lead fish. A bow and arrow cast was the only option. Philip had never successfully used that cast before so was keen to make it work. A number of shots went in before the trout saw the worm fly. The take was hard to see for sure but I called the strike and the fish was on. A fish like that can really turn a day around. By then it was around 5pm so we decided it was a good time to call it a day. I was delighted with the result considering the state of the rivers. Three hooked, 2 landed and had a few other good opportunities. We happily walked back to the truck. Of course we had to see if the bridge fish was back out and as luck would have it, he was! Philip got into position and this time nailed the cast first time and got the fish. Three rainbows between 4 and 5 lbs for the day. A great day on any trout river but I won’t be rushing back; it was quite heartbreaking to see some of my favourite water ripped to bits. I’m not sure how long it’ll take those rivers to heal.
On a more positive note, I finally got back to Southland after flooded rivers kept me away for about 2 months. A few tough days just as the rivers cleared but then we had a few days where everything was right. As luck would have it I was fishing myself while guiding on 2 of those days. Very fulfilling fishing with a great fishing partner. He came through Sexyloops so he’d have to be! His SLHT is well and truly broken in.. Thanks, Alan..
Tight Lines All and a Happy New Year!
- Day one of 3 with Guy. First cast!!
- Back to Southland for a look for the first time in 2 months! Floods kept me away.
- Lovely to see the rivers fishable again!
- We had pretty hard fishing. We had to cover twice as much water as usual to find decent numbers of opportunities.
- Day 2. Tough fishing again but we managed 3 to the net.. one of which swam out!
- This to end the day!
- Day 3. Something a little different!
- Guy hooked a lot for the day landing 5 or 6. Smaller than usual..
- ..but a couple of healthy bows.
- We had a 30 minute window when it “turned on”..
- Back he hoes.. A most enjoyable few days with Guy. He landed 11. There were 2 more that escaped out of the net!
- Manuka in flower.
- Regular client, Philip back for more!
- We had a very good day! Landed 2 and got beaten by trout taken mayflies. Very difficult indeed!
- A fish late in the day. Always very welcome!
- Over 6lbs.
- Day 2, Some local rivers are finally fishable but sadly totally ruined from the incessant floods. We lost this fish. One of 2 we saw in the main river.
- Plan B. Also destroyed from the floods but we got 3 good bows from a few stable pools.
- The flooding was bananas. I didn’t expect this much damage.
- A rare pool undamaged from the floods. Philip did well with a bow and arrow cast here!
- Good fish!
- We didn’t get the “bridge fish” on the way up but he was back out on the way back down. First cast in the right place and there was no hesitation! Hopefully these river heal in time..
- Day one of 3 with Alan. Off the mark in the first pool.
- We had a few of these before moving to a wee stream.
- Small, magical water..
- ..with large trout!
- The problem was there were too many fish! Spook one and he’d tear up the pool spooking his friends. Some even ran up riffles alerting the trout in the next pool before we got there. Still great fun!
- 7 for the day with a couple of 5lbers.
- Nice water..
- Day 2! I fish too!! Off the mark with a blind fished 7lber.
- Cold, wet and cloudy. The fish were pretty non-responsive but we got 4.
- Alan in again.. After loosing a few he really wanted this one in the net..
- ..we got it!
- Very enjoyable day in adverse conditions.
- Day 3 – Sight fishing all day!
- Alan and a spiky plant!
- The fish were on! We hooked all of the first 7 sighted fish before I let the side down! 6lbs for Alan.
- The sun came out at lunchtime. I blind fished a fast deep run with a worm fly and got this super fish a hair under 7lbs.
- Back he goes.. I was delighted with this!
- The run where I got him..
- Great backcountry water!
- Riverside wild flowers..
- Simply stunning!
- It’s a while since I’ve been to this spot! I forgot just how beautiful and prolific it is.
- We landed 8 including three 6s and a 7. As good as it gets? Dam close!
- Super water all the way!
- We lost one here..
- Dandelion kinda thing!