Fly-Fishing in Ireland and Jordan…
If something is a year late it’s on time again, right?.. well, maybe not, but this kind of is! This is last years Ireland report and a little on fly-fishing in Jordan. It all happened a year ago so its current again! How things have changed. In the past, I lived in Ireland and came to NZ to Holiday / fish (of course it was just fishing – every day!). Now I work in NZ and holiday in Ireland, where I won’t fish every day, but I will certainly fish a lot. Last year I was at home for about 30 days over July and August. I had the best fishing for Atlantic Salmon on Lough Inagh that I ever had. In 3 days on the lake we had 6 grilse up to 7lbs and a few browns and seatrout for good measure. From what I hear this season is going very well. Similar salmon numbers to last year but more seatrout and way more quality browns (up to 9lbs). This is great news for me because Inagh is one of my favourite places in the world to fish. You never know what you might catch during a day on Inagh; a grilse, a spring salmon, an Arctic char, a ferox, a brownie or a seatrout are all on the cards.. and now perch too but efforts are being made to remove this recent invader. At the end of the day on the lake a pint in the lodge always goes down well, especially if Colin is there to tell you why you didn’t catch a few more. You should listen to him, he’s often right (not always though!). Give Colin a call if you fancy getting out on Inagh or any of the river beats. 003539534706 or visit the website
Kylemore Lough is another favourite haunt of mine. It’s different to inagh in my experience in that its less lively in general but when it turns on it really turns on. I remember fishing it a number of years ago with my good friend Fuzz. It was dead quiet all day and then in the space of 20 minutes we landed a grilse, lost a salmon and rose a few more and saw many grilse rolling. Then all went quiet again. You need to make hay when the sun shines on Kylemore Lough. Dad and I fished it a couple of times last season. On our first day on it dad hooked into a big fish at the end of a drift, both of us assumed salmon, then it jumped. “Its a seatrout” I said.. Even in the good old days of seatrout fishing in the west of Ireland a fish of over 4lbs was considered a really outstanding catch. This fish was 5lbs at least. It was a real pleasure to see such a fish. We landed a few more over the 2 days, with browns up to a pound and other seatrout up to 3lbs. I hope this is a sign of thing to come. I’ll be out there again in a few weeks to find out.( bookings contact Nancy on 003539541143 or
I also spent some time fishing the Renvile lakes for salmon. Namely loughs Muc and Fee. Both stunning lakes where the angler has a chance at a really big salmon, although the run is predominantly 3-5lb grilse. Over the few days out there dad landed a couple while I lost a some. One of the days on Muc & Fee was for a local fishing competition. Dad and I did no good but the weigh in was pretty funny. One competitor left his first salmon behind him on the bank while he continued fishing. Later on he got another and when he went to leave it beside the first one he noticed it had been half eaten by a cat. He had to weigh in half a salmon. He still won!! Only in Ireland I hear you say? Quite possibly!
After Ireland, Iza and I went to Jordan for 2 really incredible weeks. What a country to visit! Jordan has 24ks of coastline on the Red Sea. We spent 5 nights in Aqaba to make the most of it. Fishing from the shore is not allowed so every day was spent diving and snorkelling. However, I managed to get out on the water for a few hours on our last day there. We hired a glass bottomed boat to take us out. With the majority of the boat covered over this was far from a fly-fishing boat but it was the best I could find! It’s worth mentioning that nobody uses fishing rods in the Red Sea in Jordan, It’s all about the hand line. Apparently I just missed a bumper sailfish season. Everyone catching 5 per day they said. It should be firing right now if this season is like the last. Our 2 boatmen took us to some water they knew well. They were dragging hand-lines while I attempted to stand up on the bow and cast as they trolled along. This was extremely hard to do in the big rolling wave!! Imagine River Dance on top of a bucking bronco, well that was me.. Iza caught a few on the hand-line as did the boatmen but I struggled with the fly rod, I struggled just to stand. Of course I could have trolled the flies but thats not fly-fishing. In the end I asked to be taken to the sheltered water close to shore where I had seen fish break the surface from the dive boat a few days prior. Here, for about the last 1.5hours, I had a chance. I had 3 chances to be precise. I cast in the vicinity of two mahi-mahi and had a follow right to the boat but no eat. Then a follow from a skipjack tuna, then my best chance, all I had to do was cast 70 feet to a breaking shoal of skipjack. The line wrapped around the anchor and the fly fell short. That was my last chance. I was pretty gutted not to catch a fish in Jordan. There are no fly guides operating out of Aqaba so if you find yourself there you’ll have to do what I did. Hopefully you’ll do better. The place has potential! Feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions.
Tomorrow morning I’m off to india for 12 days then on to Ireland for a month. I’ll carry a fly-rod in India but I don’t think there is anything to catch between Delhi and Mumbai at this time of year (but there must be!!). If you know something please let me know! I have a one week window at the end of the trip where I could possibly squeeze in a fly-fishing destination other than Ireland. India is all about hanging out with and travelling with my brother..
Well thats it for now.. I might get a blog out over the next 6 weeks but there are no guarantees! Right, time to pack!
Tight Lines! Ronan..
- Roundstone. Home..
- The blue boat in the foreground was mine.. The Chopper, she saw more wind and waves than most lakeboats.
- The wall outside O’Dowds with a pint and this view.. one of my favourite things!
- Home is where the heart is! Always great to come home to all this colour!! My mother and her amazing flowers..
- The crew plus attachments!
- At the end of the day, a pint with the whole crew! It doesn’t happen very often but I’m happy to say we’ll all be together again this August!
- John takes us to the top of Lough Inagh…
- Nice conditions, wind and wave is good for an Irish grilse..
- Fishing the hot spot.. We had 2 here and another not far away..
- Into my first of 2, There is something uniquely special about catching Atlantic Salmon.
- Only have a pic of one fish. John’s phone / camera ended up in the lake and my battery ran out!
- Lunch! I bring the flask of tea and John brings the sandwiches!
- A dark and dreary morning on Kylemore Lough..
- The day cleared up quickly. A great place to be!
- More cloud! We fish from the drifting boat covering known salmon water..
- Dad’s into one.. big enough to be a grilse but it’s not..
- Over 5lbs of power from the sea. What a fish!! Even in the good old days this would have been considered a trophy trout.
- ..its a huge seatrout!
- Evening light and we call it a day.. a great day!
- Dad and I on the water again.. this time, Lough Inagh..
- We fished the top of the lake. Here we’re passing the Inagh Lodge on the way to the top..
- A stunning fresh grilse for me!
- Then we pulled up the boat and fished the shore. Worth while in high water.
- One for me from the bank! This was great fishing..
- Dad works the shore down..
- We had to keep one! Dinner for the family..
- Gurteen Point for a pollack, but it was too wild to fish with any comfort..
- Justin take his rod out of a 2 year sabbatical, 5 minutes later he broke it then a wave crashed onto him so he went golfing….
- I got this sandeel on the sheltered side of the point while Dad was catching 2 grilse on Lough Muc.. I should’ve joined him!!!
- Lough Muc the next day, but no joy!
- Back to Kylemore for another round! Dad into another big seatrout out from Nancy’s house..
- A 3lber!
- Back she goes..
- A little browny for me!
- The day brightens up..
- A healthy pounder!
- Peat stained water, common in Connemara.
- We leave the boat and fish the shore for a while. We had a few wee brownies.
- The Wild Atlantic Way…
- Lough Muc..
- Renvile fields..
- Fishing the shore down on Lough Fee, I had heaps of little browns and lost a grilse at the end of the day..
- Sheep!
- Fuzz pulls in his boat on the running mooring for a day after mackerel.
- Renvile on the Wild Atlantic Way..
- A private island just off the coast. Mayo territory I believe..
- ..we went ashore anyway!
- Dinner!!
- Iza hits the motherload!
- Shane and Irene.. We all went to school together, that’s where it began!
- A great day to be out! Too rough to go to Inis Shark as planned..
- Shane cleaning the mackerel..
- Good friends and good food, hard to beat!
- Mackerel for dinner, simply seasoned.
- Chillin after a tough day!
- I’ve never had this happen before!!
- At least 4 were hit by sharks.. Tope we think but not sure.
- The bite radius and tooth size matches Tope. We tried to catch one but no luck.
- Puca, has since gone to heaven! We were always great friends ever since Rory Gallagher Festival many years ago where Fuzz, me and Puca all shared the back of a little (very little) van!
- Lough Corrib limestone
- Iza on Corrib fishing dries..
- A little corrib brown for our 2 hour session..
- ..and then to Inchagoill..
- A great addition to a day on the water! Such a beautiful island..
- This is the most interesting one, 1 m tall.. Sorry, not well versed on the history!
- One of many stones surrounding the church.
- Lots of history here, the limestones is showing its age!
- In Jordan! About to go Diving!
- Ready to roll.. Note the arm keeping Iza upright!!
- After the first dive.. Very happy!
- Lion fish..
- Shadi, the diveboat captain and I, spy a shoal of skipjack (visible breaking the surface) at the end of a day. I did 3 fantastic dives.
- About to go out fly fishing on the Red Sea.. Beautiful day before the wind!
- Our boatmen..
- My only chance to fly-fish in Jordan after a week of snorkelling and diving..
- Didn’t take long for Iza to catch with the hand-line!
- Our boatmen also dragged hand-lines…
- Illegal to fish this close to the ships, no joy anyway!
- This was the highlight of the day! Raw skipjack with lime juice. Fresh from the sea!
- Imagine trying to perform “River Dance” on a bucking bronco? That’s what fishing on the bow was like.. In the end I asked to be taken to calm water where I’d seen fish the day before.
- I persisted to the end! I had a chance at a couple of skipjack and a couple of mahimahi. The line wrapped around the ladder while casting to my best chance.