Home > Expedition > Tight Lines for the New Season!!

Tight Lines for the New Season!!

Only a couple of days until many rivers in the vicinity open again. It’s always an exciting time! We never know what were going to get at the start of the season. Have the trout recovered well? What condition will the rivers be in? Did winter floods do any damage? Will snowmelt be an issue? There’s only one way to find out! Unfortunately I wont be able to fish opening day since Iza will be at work so I’m looking after Adaline. A few more months and she’ll be coming with me. I have the 3rd, 4th and 5th to fish myself and I cant wait! I’m not sure what I’ll do yet but in October there are usually fish everywhere so it doesn’t matter!

If you missed my recent report about the current threat to NZ trout and angling, please click here! I urge you to make a submission. It needn’t be long but it’s extremely important that we make our opinions heard. Trout are too important to New Zealand to allow the Department of Conservation to remove them from our rivers and lakes.

Below are some guiding photos from some late season stuff last April and May and through the winter. Mainly guiding photos.

Tight Lines everyone, I hope you all have a great season..


For bookings and information for the coming season please see my website or email me, ronan@sexyloops.com.

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