A Heatwave in Ireland & Becoming “MR STEEL TESTICLES”, 2018.
When Iza and I arrived in Dublin we were surprised to walk into a wall of heat getting off the plane. I thought we got off at the wrong country! We boarded a westbound bus and watched the temperature rise to 30 celsius by the time we made Galway. It turned out we landed right in the middle of a heatwave! The weather continued for weeks. I had a few days after trout and salmon but the lakes were like bathwater and the fishing was useless. Generally, when weather doesn’t suit one species, it suits another. Even this theory was pushed a little off centre. I heard the pike fishing was poor during the heatwave. The extreme temperatures, which were unprecedented in Ireland, don’t do shallow water fishing any good. No surprise there. When the water cooled down a little, the pike fishing was okay but the trout needed further coaxing – rain and cool weather was desperately needed! Even the inshore pollack fishing suffered. I have never felt Roundstone’s beaches so warm. The heat was great for swimming, snorkelling and the like but not for fishing. The one species I didn’t chase that maybe I should have was mullet. Their numbers are on the rise again after declining for a while. In the latter end of the trip I got wise to a few great spots to chase them but I didn’t make it happen for one reason or another. I’m probably better off! Mullet around Connemara are, in my experience at least, virtually impossible to catch.
During my last few days in Roundstone the rain came with a vengeance! Dad and I took on Lough Inagh and a river beat for the rain day expecting / hoping salmon would run. I’m sure they did but we didn’t intercept any. The Inagh, Ballynahinch system rose as fast as I’ve experienced. Usually the first hour of a rising river is good but we missed that (it was at about 4am!). After an hour or so on the river we went to Inagh. It didn’t fire either, though I think I rose one grilse before it got too dirty to fish anymore in the afternoon. The lake rose at a rate of about 1 foot per hour. As Kylemore and Inagh settled in the past few days the fishing has improved.
One thing I have learned over the 6 weeks at home – I prefer Irish weather to be Irish! Wind, rain, an odd good day, cloud and cool. With global warming upon us, this type of heat is probably going to become more common in Ireland. Look out Spain!
And now for something completely different. Petanque! Myself and Justin have being playing our own version of the game for a while. Justin decided to run a competition. The plan was to gather the old crew together, get on the beer and play Petanque to the proper rules. We had a couple of ideas for the trophies so I spent a couple of hours in the workshop knocking them out! Last place, “The Hand of Ineptitude”, Second last “The Kick in the Arse”, “aka Christy” because there was a left foot on the trophy. Funnily enough, Daniel Day Lewis was in town. What are the odds? I should have asked him to present it! Second place, “Just Out of Reach” (hence the back scratcher!) and First place, “MR STEEL TESTICLES”. Of the 6 lads in the competition (James, Justin, Nigel, Niall, Tom and Myself) I knew I’d be well down the rankings, probably last. By some miracle I came back against James from 8 – 2 down to win 10 – 9 in my first game. That was the beginning of my lucky streak. Somehow I gained the title of MR STEEL TESTICLES, 2018 in a tie breaker against Justin. All the trophies will become perpetual with names engraved for the future of the cup! Who wouldn’t want one of these on their mantlepiece for a whole year?? The craic was mighty and half of us pushed through til dawn.. I need to get a set of balls to practice for next year!
The 6 weeks in Ireland was more family and friends oriented than ever. Adaline enjoyed her first trip to Roundstone and met her first cousin, Casey. It was a pleasure to see them together. Paddling pools, a christening, a 40th, trips to the beach, dinners at home, Kila in Galway, a few carpentry projects to make life a bit easier for the recipients, Guinness, seafood the likes of which is simply not available in NZ (thanks to Vaughans and O Dowd’s), snorkelling, swimming, an odd pint, the list goes on. Home is home!! So much to do we rarely ventured far from Roundstone. Family and friends, Thanks you all.. and a special thanks to those who travelled to see us!
Back in NZ now, Next season is 2/3 full but still plenty spots available. If you’d like to lock in a trip, please get in touch, ronan@sexyloops.com or see my website www.ronansflyfishingmissions.com
Tight Lines,
- Irish trout go off completely in 30 degree heat, Pollack still take though! Here’s my sister Sinead into one.. Husband, John and Daughter, Casey look on..
- First of the day for Shinbo! We got 10 mackerel too..
- Adaline and Casey enjoying the heat wave!
- Saltfly for Pollack off Roundstone with Wesley. We got a few but it was pretty slow..
- Every visit home I like to go to my secret spot to get a feed of cockles!
- Thats enough!
- A quick wash in salt water..
- ..then home and into the pot..
- After they’re cooked I give them a flash in the pan with some pepper, lemon and butter..
- Myself, Dad and James had a super day on sea.. We got about 10 good pollack and 40 mackerel. Also a good gurnard and the biggest sandeel I’ve seen. Almost as long as the width of a fish box.
- Low tide when we got in. This is Roundstone Harbour.
- Mackerel, Sandeel and gurnard as a starter for dad and I.
- Feckin delicious!
- Roundstone Regatta, and my 40th!
- Hookers and craic!
- A Galway Hooker in full sail, mid race..
- Two Hookers cross paths after rounding the marker..
- Ringside seats for Alan and my 2 sisters, Sinead and Ailbhe.. Mighty craic!
- Fishing Kylemore with Eddie and Dad. The fishing wasn’t great. We desperately needed water and some cool weather!
- Changing flies!
- Petanque competition! This will now be an annual event.. I made the trophies. I truly expected “The Hand of Ineptitude” but went away “Mr Steel Testicles”!
- Tom and James keep the score and sink a few beers!
- Justin lets fly..
- Nourishment!
- Tom with “The Hand”.. 4am ish..
- 3 tied for 3rd! James, Niall and Nigel..
- Justin takes 2nd.. My homies.. I’ve had some craic with these fuckers over the last 25 years. Stories to rival Trainspotting or Trailer Park Boys!
- Mr Steel Testicles!
- So proud! haha
- Back at the Creek with Justin..
- Dinner!
- Great spot for the fly.. I landed a few and lost one 5 or 6 lbs. The best one I ever hooked on fly. Took right at my feet! Exciting stuff..
- Plenty of these fella’s around too..
- Corrib!
- Lovely conditions but the water was very warm..
- Landed one nice brown on dries..
- back he goes..
- The fish never moved.. I was lucky to meet the fish I landed. The limestone rocks around corrib are amazing!
- Moulded from millennia of rain and wave action..
- Plenty food for trout! A large sedge (28mm approx) and a Danica.
- Sedge.. Not sure which species!
- Finally I got a couple of good shots of the Ephemera Danica..
- ..beautiful mayflies they are!
- Corrib limestone..
- Ryans Lake. Where fly fishing began for me! I went for a nostalgic visit and landed 6 little trout.
- With the trout fishing so poor in the warm water, we went after pike.
- Much more obliging!
- Dad into his first pike on fly!
- In the bag..
- I think he’s hooked..
- The best of the day! Dad caught this one!
- In for lunch.. in the rain!
- Lamb rolls..
- Flowers from a Corrib island..
- Breandan?
- No idea what they are!
- Heading home..
- Pike are a good eating fish! Tricky to fillet but youtube will show you how.
- 7 boneless fillets off a 5lb pike.
- Salt, pepper and butter. Job done!
- Mullet! I spent only an hour at them one day. No joy of course!
- Wesley, John and myself out after pike..
- John!
- A good fish not long after starting pulls the tip under..
- Solid fish!
- One for John..
- Lunch!
- Johns DC Boat. It looks good and drifts well. Quick too.
- John with his best of the day. He has an uncanny ability to make big fish look small. 9lbs he reckoned.
- It’s a long time since the 3 of us were in a boat together! Great day out it was..
- This fly worked well for me..
- John launches out a long cast..
- One for Wesley..
- We finally got the rain we needed..
- ..shitloads of it!
- Trying to work up some enthusiasm to go out into weather..
- Heading up the lake. White water visible coming off the mountain..
- Water pumping in everywhere. The lake rose a foot per hour!
- Once the lake settles down it should fish.. The rising water didn’t inspire many fish to take..
- One good seatrout for dad..
- The grimace says it all..
- As the lake got dirty, we left..
- A few angling legends here. Michael the Dutchman, Derek Strauss and Joe Creane.
- Of course I hear reports of all the lakes fishing well again as I arrive back in NZ! I recommend a window seat flying into Queenstown. It’s simply breath taking!