What Defines a Trophy Trout?
When we think of trophy trout many of us think about the elusive 10lber. Clearly a trout of this size in NZ is a trophy but there’s more to consider. Rainbow trout live about half as long as a brown trout making it much harder for them to reach 10lbs in weight in a natural, wild environment. I have never caught a 10lb plus rainbow. I have landed at least 3 of over 8lbs which I believe to be trophies. From my own experience, I would equal a 10lb brown to an 8lb rainbow. It may be more relevant to say that a trophy trout is relative to the fishery. Anyway, I’ve gone away from the point I had intended to make. There is another trophy trout available in NZ. I think the ultimate prize is not only a very big fish but a very beautiful one too. I think that the odds of catching a big and a beautiful fish are stacked against you, so it’s okay to reduce the “trophy” weight a little! On a recent 5 day trip with my friend and client, Marcus, we got one of those. It was the last fish landed out of 24 for the trip! The scenario was interesting. We were deep in the backcountry and time was running out. We got to a pool and there were 4 visible trout. Mostly around 5lbs but one was clearly bigger than the rest. Certainly 7 plus. I know this section of river to hold some of the most stunning late season trout I’ve seen and I really wanted Marcus to catch one of those. We both agreed, go straight for the big one even though doing this would most likely spook the rest. Marcus sent in a good shot and the fish ate but no hook up. The fish stayed happily in position so he tried again with no response from the trout. I made a number of fly changes with no joy. The other fish were getting a little agitated but generally pretty happy – then I spotted a new arrival to the pool glowing with striking orange colouration. Marcus had seen him moving from the left side of the pool to the right, I missed that but as soon as I saw the fish I knew he had to be our number 1 target. He maybe looked a little smaller than the big one but these orange browns are unique to this river. I’ve been lucky enough to land a few over the years. Our attention moved to him. He ate the first nymph Marcus cast to him but didn’t stick. A few casts later the trout decided to move around the pool passing right under Marcus, eyeballing him as he went.. I passed him my streamer rod before the fish left the pool. Sometimes a spooked fish will still eat a streamer. Marcus sent in the shot, strip strip strip and the trout nailed it! The battle was chaotic including me nearly falling into a deep hole of swift water in my attempt to net the fish. Thankfully the fish stayed on and we landed him downstream a short while later. A truly spectacular trout – he hit the scales at just under 8lbs. One I wont forget. The photo I got does him some justice but it was hard to get a great shot in the low light of the gorge. A trophy trout? You decide!
This blog brings me up to date with my guiding escapades. I’d like to give an account of all the days out but the photos and captions will have to do! I’m loving the evolution of my guiding career. More and more repeat business, forging great friendships with those I guide, more multi-day trips, fewer Queenstown pick-ups. Next season is filling up incredibly quickly so please get in touch if you’d like to lock in a trip.
I managed lots of time to fish myself in the last 2 months so my next blog will be about that.. Some big / beautiful fish, fishing with dad, Robbie, Jeff, Kota etc.. I’ve also started doing a little editing again. I have 3 short films on Vimeo. Here are the links..
Willow Grubbing https://vimeo.com/265928287
Fishing with Dad and Shotgun Kevin https://vimeo.com/264378584
In the Gorge https://vimeo.com/263071289
Thats all for now.. Still plenty spaces in May! For bookings and information contact me on ronan@sexyloops.com or visit my website http://www.ronansflyfishingmissions.com
Tight Lines,
Five Days With Marcus..
- Day 1. Tough day on the river, though we landed 2. We fished til beyond sunset landing two more on the secret dam. Nymphs and streamers moved quite a few more..
- Day 2. Trout from tannin water are arguably the most stunning!
- It took a while to work out a good approach but once we did we had good action..
- Moving to make the wind work for us!
- Marcus into another – on “the snake”
- Almost there.. Marcus is a friend of my father and I with strong ties to Roundstone. Most of the trout landed were on dad’s flies!!
- Another great skin!
- Day 3. I had an idea that the wind wouldn’t get up til 9.30 so we were out early. 3 good fish landed before the wind got up..
- 7 fishless hours later the wind dropped again – and the fishing improved. 3 more to the net.
- 6lbs of late season perfection!
- Marcus use the Sexyloops HT for much of the trip and loved it!
- 4×4 track across the mountain for day 4.. Three deer bound across a paddock, easily clearing fences..
- ..and the river!
- Second cast!
- Lovely markings..
- 15 minutes later this cracker!!
- Things went quiet then but we managed another late in the day..
- Day 5. Backcountry!
- High water had some fish on the move..
- Including this 7.25lber..
- Superb trout!
- In again..
- There’s only one place to catch trout with these unique orange spots. One place.
- Spectacular..
- Lunch time on my table!!
- ..then back to the grind!
- This ultimate prize stud out like a traffic cone in the river! He eventually took my possum / marabou streamer. Just under 8lbs.
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