Old boots & Old friends…
Recently I had an encounter with a trout I’d caught about 18 months ago. The fact that I had caught him before meant that I had no great need to catch him again, or so I thought before our re-encounter. I knew where he lived, during a day on the river I was never too pushed If I fished that pool or not. On this day I did get to the pool, I scoped it up and down and didn’t see him. I did see a smaller trout of about 4lbs but never managed to get a shot to that one. When I was leaving the pool I spotted my old friend in a slack back eddy at the head of the pool. He was cruising around sipping down dries like a 3lb brown in a Mataura backwater.. But this was no 3lber! He may well be a double by now considering he was 9.25lbs when I caught him. I didn’t hesitate in getting into position well away from the trout, my heart rate increasing. I quickly removed my nymphs so I had a single size 12 dry left on the cast, my go-to dry. I felt no need to put on a smaller one. The tippet was 4x, so nice and fine. The fish turned on his beat and I sent in my cast. I was as happy as I could have been with my shot.. I landed the fly well in front of the fish and a little to his right so that on approach to the fly most of the tippet would be on the other side of the fly. He cruised towards it, raised up in the water column just a little and then continued under my fly. After seeing my offering he went into high alert moving out of the slack water into moving water. Still maybe catchable but much more difficult. I changed tactics and put a nymph on. First attempt with the nymph and I picked up some scrub on my back-cast which landed beside my old friend. With that, he was gone. He didn’t bolt off, just cruised into the depths. I was haunted by him that night, every time I’d close my eyes I’d see that head on profile with pectoral fins like a jet plane, changing to a huge pink and green flank as he turned. Now I have to catch him again. (This is fly-fishing!)
I’ve had plenty other great days on the water since my last report. Jeff and I pushed into some new terrain and found more trout than we expected. We did pretty well, catching fish on dries and nymphs.
I caught up with my great friend Bob Toffler last weekend before he headed back to the States for another northern hemisphere season. We had a wonderful meal together cooked by Bob’s partner, Carol. The following day, Iza, Bob and I fished the Mataura where the hatch lasted from morning until evening! It was fantastic fun. I got to know Bob on a visit to the US about 13 years ago. He told me that he fishes in NZ every season, and he invited me to join him during my planned NZ visit. I took him up on his offer and we’ve been friends ever since meeting up a few times a season. Through Bob, I met Guy; through Guy, I met Paul and the rest is history still in the making.
That’s all for now, Enjoy the pics and feel free to subscribe if you’re new here and you like what you see!
Oh, and Happy 40th to Mike Wilkinson! He looks a day over 39. The party meant I didn’t fish on Sunday last! I doubt any one else did either… Jeff?
- Exploring new parts of well worn terrain..
- ..and I found this! ..but there were no fish..
- One landed for this day.. I had a re-encounter with an old friend, possibly a double by now. I’d like another reel screaming encounter with him!
- A quick operation on my old boots to remove a very uncomfortable lump from the right toe..
- 2 incisions, one from outside and one from inside the mouth.. It was a success!
- Now to move some less worn star bites to where they’ve worn out.. All they need now is new laces! At this stage I just want to see how long they’ll last. They are still comfortable, believe it or not..
- Back on the river with Jeff!
- 2 beautiful browns he landed on the day. This the smaller of the 2.
- Kisses the fish!
- About to cast to a fish that would not eat..
- We continue.. There were a few fish about!
- Jeff lost this one in the end.. a solid fish we both wanted to look at!
- Using my rod to poke him out was a last resort!
- One for me at the end of the day, a real beauty from a riffle!
- Slightly different angle, very nice fish..
- Holy shit… Death?
- Jeff takes his chances…
- … and escapes with his life..
- Me and the man I’ve known in NZ for the longest time, Bob Toffler. A legend in my book. Come what may, he returns every year from his home near New York to fish the rivers around his other home in Balfour.
- Bob into one on the Mataura..
- Some nice flats close to home..
- Very interesting water indeed!
- One under the willows..
- Willows provide great cover and habitat for trout and stabitity for rivers.