The Piscatorial Pot…
1. Of or relating to fish or fishing
2. Involved in or dependent on fishing
Months ago I agreed to run one of our fishing club events. Mike had an idea that there needed to be more events close to home so Lake Dunstan seemed perfect. It’s my home water so I was happy to organise it. I was unsure of what to do to make the day unique and enjoyable so I thought back to some Irish competitions. I had never fished the “Piscatorial Pot” on Lough Corrib but always wanted to. Both my father and John O Malley won it recently which may have helped it spring to mind. I decided to steal that idea but needed a little more… The Irish angling legend, Jackie Coyne, runs a competition on Lough Roisin Dubh at the end of every fishing season. Over the course of the day every angler gets an hour in a lakeboat. I also decided to adopt that idea and a new competition was born. The Piscatorial Pot (NZ).
A scrap of Macrocarpa with the lettering freehand routed into it made the base. A little stain, oil and rustication for effect. 10 minutes on ebay and I had a piss pot. Put them together and we have a perpetual pis-pot.
There were not too many fish caught over the day but Colin Kelly managed a solid fish of 3.25lbs making him the winner. James Waggett was not too far behind with a 2.5lber. Colin has been a member of the club for years and is never afraid to put in the hard yards. Spin gear or fly, kayak or bank, river or lake, Colin will be there in the thick of it. I was happy to present him with The Piscatorial Pot.. though, I’m not so sure that he was as happy to receive it!!!
We all had a great day on the water. Afterwards we enjoyed the craic, good food and beer or two.
Cicada Time
Right now it’s cicada time here in NZ. Some hatch from forests, some from barren grasslands, some are very big, some are quite small but trout love ’em all. On Saturday Iza and I took out the Wakatipu Anglers Club boat to fish a piece of shoreline on Lake Wakatipu that has treated me well over the years. Conditions were good. We had a breeze which varied in strength but was fairly consistent and able to push a few bugs onto the water. I drove the boat into quite a big chop to get to the area we wanted to fish. I set the boat up for kilometres of shore drift, an occasional pull-start to keep us tight to the shore and we were fishing. Iza quickly hooked and lost a really good fish by this shores standards, about 3lbs. Shortly after she hooked and landed one… then another.. then another and so it continued until she had 11! Casting, striking and playing fish all nicely in tune. By 4pm we got off the lake, the wind was shifting all over the place, dropping and gusting and the rain was bucketing down. We finished with 18.. (yes, she out-fished me!)
Something interesting to note for our day afloat was that we did not see a single cicada on the wing or in the water all day. Neither did we see any trout free-rising yet we landed 18, all on chunky dry cicadas. The takes were all confident sips, no slashes or smashes and easily missed in the wave.. On a few occasions I didn’t see the rise until it was as big as a dinner plate, some Iza didn’t see until her rod was bent. This is not an unusual phenomenon. I remember fishing with my father, Joe Creane, on Lough Corrib years ago. Mayfly time but no fly on the water and nothing rising. 10 boats in the bay catching very few, all stripping wets. Dad and I had 13 on dries (most on a size 10 adams). It’s not the first time I’ve seen this in NZ either. Fly on the water or not, trout will recognise a large dry as food at certain times of year.. It might be worth fishing one in October or any time for that matter! I bet you’d be pleasantly surprised..
That’s it for now.. If you want to win The Piscatorial Pot, Join the club.. The Wakatipu Anglers Club that is..
- Colin takes the first “Piscatorial Pot” victory. A very deserving winner he is.
- I made the base for the perpetual pot from a scrap of Macrocarpa at work. I oiled it with a well worn out pair of underpants.
- A new gorge with Robbie Mcphee.. Climbing out of this part of the climb gave me a healthy tingle of fear. Its a long way down and the bottom is out of sight.
- Lots of climbing!
- 2 of these for the day..
- Iza into her first of 11 for our 5 hours afloat! I managed 7.. What have I created??!!
- 11 of these all on a single, blind fished cicada.
- Catching fish makes an angler happy!
- Iza kept her fly tight to the shore..
- Wakatipu glows when the sun shines. Our dries are visible here. This was a magic piece of shoreline!
- The Hot Torpedo under strain..
- A silver one.. They come in a range of colours on this shore during cicada time..
- This little fela from Poolburn Dam. Breandan?? 10mm approx
- During a day fishing on Poolburn it pays to put some pots down. We got a bakers dozen of big crays (Koura)!
- Lunch with Guy.. We didn’t see a single cicada on the wing or in the water all day nor did we see a single free-riser.
- A fat little brown on a cicada. I fished a clear intermediate and a bugger. 2 each for the day.
- Heading in…
- Koura! Common in many of the dams around here and absolutely delicious!
- Iza makes some sag aloo..
- ..while Guy and I prepare the koura..
- Boiled and shelled, before a brief flash on the pan with some butter, garlic and chili.
- A few cutlets off a 15lb rainbow from the canals thanks to Guy.
- Dinner!
- FFFFF isn’t that right, Bob!