Fishing on my Doorstep..
Last weekend I stayed local, very local. I fished the water nearest the house and caught my first fish about 150m from the door. Ten fish landed and plenty more spotted for the weekend. All sighted, nymphs and spiders did the trick. Fantastic fun and great not to burn a tank of diesel!
Omarama in the morning…
- My place is about 150m from the lake.. Today I stayed close to home.
- Interesting water.. Shallows, weeds, debris… and cruisers.
- A great fish by Dunstan standards.. This one took a sparse spider. He was cruising beside some debris, I got him with a bow and arrow cast.
- There was one on this flat chomping down bees!
- Plenty good trout about..
- they dont get much sparser than this! It worked very well, most took it static.
Categories: Expedition