Home > Expedition > Sight Fishing During the Winter Solstice…

Sight Fishing During the Winter Solstice…

The shortest day of the year had a gale in tow but the second shortest brought with it ideal sight fishing conditions. I was on Benmore. After a hard frost in the morning the sun rose over the mountain and heated things up. No cloud, no wind, perfect. There were good numbers of fish about. Some appeared to be feeding but more seemed to be cruising by default. These were very tough to catch and exceptionally spooky. The fly and method I had most success with was a size 14 lightly weighted spider, cast to a moving fish and then moved with the figure of 8. Most fish that I hooked took after following which is a little unusual. Normally a follow does not result in a take. There were a few that charged the fly and missed (or I missed!) and a couple that connected. It was a magic day on the water and I’m going back very soon!!

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  1. neilr
    June 24th, 2014 at 23:28 | #1

    Looks like a great day, and perfect conditions, as you mentioned before the hills, would have helped the spotting. Even on the shortest day with the low sun angle.

    Hope you recycled the beard into flies 🙂

  2. June 25th, 2014 at 11:40 | #2

    I’m afraid I didn’t recycle the beard! I was once going to tie a “Ronan’s nose hair nymph” but it never materialised!!

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