The steep hill.
The hut was at the bottom of a very steep hill. I drove down without incident on the dry mud track while thinking that if this gets wet, there’ll be no way in hell I’ll get back up!
After a tough but superb day’s fishing in a steep gorge it was a pleasure to get back to the comfort of the hut. Our legs were tired after a 300m climb, followed by a 300m decent, followed by a 100m climb, all part of the 2hr walk out. After some reheated home cooking and a few well deserved beers the bed beckoned. I was awoken before 5am by heavy rain belting off the tin roof… I thought for a moment.. Will it pass?? Should we get up and get out?? All I could think of was slipping back down the steep slope in the truck. I hate being stranded, even in an amazing place like this, I need to know that I can get out. I figured that if the rain continues we will be stuck here so I woke Robbie form his deep sleep and we quickly packed our stuff into the truck. The track was damp. Any more rain would have made things difficult but the old Terrano crawled up the hill in low box. By this time the rain had almost stopped. I drove through the darkness for a few ks to a spot which would be less affected by rain. This put us right on the water for day 2… after another couple of hours kip in the truck.
- Enjoying a flat calm 1.5hrs on the lake..
- One on a little dry..
- Releasing one as I pick a rising fish to target next!
- The first decent rainbow this season.. It’s a sign the end of the season approaching. As the browns leave the shallows to go up river to think about spawning,the rainbows move in for a while.
- The moonrise as Iza and I got off the lake one evening at my boat ramp. Well, it’s across the road!
- On the way to the river…
- Kevin spies a pool..
- One for Kevin..
- The river was high and coloured and fish were tough!
- A “gift fish” for me on the way home. I had to tackle up again and put back on my wet clothes to take the shot.
- Robbie and I before we walk to the river..
- One for me..
- One for Robbie..
- Some deep, swift crossings..
- Copper colouring on this small trout..
- Hard terrain to walk and fish, but that’s why those who do it, love it!
- A healthy trout, This one ate a nymph fished under an indicator.
- I was ready with the camera in case he floated off down stream!
- A well marked fish for me..
- Great place to be..
- Robbie Mcphee..
- Breandan??
- After a big day, where we left it all on the river; the comfort and warmth of a hut is magic…
- Time to relax, drink a beer and talk about anything!!