Home > Expedition > Maybe 13lbs! I might find out before the season ends…

Maybe 13lbs! I might find out before the season ends…

Sometimes when fishing in a forest lined gorge, low light is better for spotting than bright sun. The sun creates extreme shadow, contrast and glare coming through the trees, sometimes the the banks are illuminated so much that it’s impossible to adjust your eyes to the dark water. Diffuse light from an overcast day creates less shadow and contrast with more uniform light in and around the water making spotting much easier. Also there is little or no glare because you are always spotting against trees or cliffs.

Robbie and I fished a gorge on Saturday during a blue sky day. Spotting was very tough for the reasons I just described. We covered about 10 – 12ks of river because blind fishing was not really an option and we just walked until we found fish. There were not many out. We had one each.

At the end of the day, almost at the last pool, we sat and watched it for a while. Then I spotted one sitting high in the water not moving at all. The trout was in a back eddy, hidden against a black rock making him hard to see. Robbie suggested I take the shot so I didn’t hesitate. I crossed the river and changed my fly before getting into position. I had a strong feeling a nymph would spook the fish so I put on a size 10 cicada. I got into position directly behind him. I took the shot which landed perfectly about 2 foot in front of the fish. Then I waited. The fish slowly started to move and my first thought was that he was going to accelerate away spooked. Then I realised he was rising in the water… slowly… really slowly. I told myself not to strike too quick. I watched the tip of his big snout lazily take down my fly. I let it go back under the water and then I struck. Nothing. Fuck. My strike was maybe a little slower than usual but that was the slowest I have ever seen a trout move. I should have reacted equally slowly. Lesson learned.

Robbie mentioned 13lbs afterwards. It was a very big fish, that’s for sure but not that big I think… Who knows. I have to go back but the season is almost over and its a serious mission to get there!


This week on SLTV, Part 3 of my introduction, you’ll learn Fraser’s porn name, and that he’s a mean Irish dancer.. Also he hooks a lot of tree’s and an occasional fish. More great fish footage here too from a stunning Fjordland river.. Enjoy..

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  1. Breandan
    April 12th, 2013 at 17:31 | #1

    13lbs at least…..its like Ronan Creane’s version of Moby Dick !!!!! Definitely worth the trip back looks like a stunning place I’d say all then trips up Errisbeg are standing you in good stead climbing in and out of them gorges..have a good weekend schrawns !!!!

  2. April 12th, 2013 at 22:30 | #2

    Will do… No plan as yet but it’s all about to happen! I’ll have some F&F for you to identify too!

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