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Back in NZ…

Paul and I are back in the land of the long white cloud and big fish.. We filmed and edited a great show about tailers in Tasmania this week. Unfortunatly only about an hour from uploading the show to youtube Paul’s computer crashed. We’ll get it out there one way or another!

I tried to get new jeans in Queenstown today.. what a fuckin mission. Easy to find the right waist size but impossible to find the right leg and waist size  without spending about $250 and fuck it i just cant justify spending that much. I found an OK pair in the end in a second hand shop for $17. Happy Days!

I stripped all images off the camera this week so i’ve nothing new to put up (images on Paul’s computer), Here’s my best fish this season!

Categories: Expedition Tags:
  1. Lisaloops
    February 16th, 2010 at 00:16 | #1

    Great pic 🙂 just a bit worried about you not finding any jeans to fit. Does that mean you are really a dwarf and they are all too long, or a giant and horrifyingly tall 😉 Can’t tell with your camera work. Loopy 🙂

  2. Ronan
    February 16th, 2010 at 08:36 | #2

    Neither.. or so i thought! never had a problem before, maybe irish people are shorter than New Zealanders!! 🙂

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